Uninstalling Contact List? Error on first sync Importing from Outlook possible?

When I purchased my Droid at the Verizon store this past weekend, they said they would take my former phone (Palm Treo 700P) and transfer my contacts to the Droid.  I had a LOT of contacts -- about 2,000 in that phone.  I set up a GMail account, but of course it did not have any contacts in it to start with.


They did transfer over, but I notice a couple of things.  Maybe they can be changed, and maybe not.  But I would appreciate any help I can get.


1.  All my contacts are now alphabetical by the person's FIRST name, not last name. I would prefer to have them alphabetical by last name.  Is this possible?  Perhaps there's an outside ap that will do this?


2.  I have quite a number of international contacts.  International phone numbers use a different format that US numbers.  Sometimes they have more or fewer actual digits in the phone number.  Anyhow, they all transferred as just a phone number.  In other words, instead of a name being listed in the contact list, there's a phone number, e.g., 011-390-xxxxxxx.  There is also no way to enter a country in the address portion of contacts. 


I realize that these are probably idiosyncrisies of the way the Droid contacts work.  I'm wondering if I could totally erase all my contacts from my Droid (and gMail), then import them correctly myself from Outlook. Perhaps that way my international contacts would show up, and things would appear in the proper alphabetical order.


Any ideas?


Thank you!