VCAST Media Manager

Are you kidding me! Tried downloading the VCAST Media Manager and found it is not compatible with 64 Bit Windows7......


Any other options there for Music until Verizon gets its act together?



14 Replies

I have the same problem. I just used Windows Explorer to transfer music from my computer to my Droid. Same with movies.


Did you use the USB cable for this?


Also just tried Double Twist.  Worked on set up but now all sync "fail"!


Nice! Why can't APPLE just get there stuff here to Verizon so I don't have have to screw around with the DROID mess!



Contributor - Level 2

Here is some steps to download music to your Droid X...Hope this helps!

  • Connect the device to a computer using the supplied USB cable
  • From the home screen, touch and hold the status bar (located at the top of the display).
  • Drag the window shade to the bottom of the display.
  • Touch USB connection.
  • Touch USB Mass Storage then touch OK.
  • From File Explorer / Finder on the computer, create a new music folder in Removable Disk (X:smileyhappy:.
    Removable Disk (X:smileyhappy: represents the SD Card installed in the device. This name may vary.
  • Use the computer to copy music and other audio files into the newly created folder.
    For any accompanying artwork in JPEG format, rename the art file albumart.jpg and copy into the same folder as the music files.
  • To further organize files, create a subfolder in the newly created music folder and copy desired music files into it.
Master - Level 2

Thanks for that Ms_Shonta ...


So, a follow-up question, and I want you to be specific for us.


- on the SD Card, the folder name MUST be = "music"  ... lower case, upper case, matter?


- what about Videos?  another folder called = "video" or "videos" or what?


- any other folders that we must define on that card?






Cody21 wrote:

Thanks for that Ms_Shonta ...


So, a follow-up question, and I want you to be specific for us.


- on the SD Card, the folder name MUST be = "music"  ... lower case, upper case, matter?


- what about Videos?  another folder called = "video" or "videos" or what?


- any other folders that we must define on that card?





Yeah what Cody21 said


PS: Give me a 64 bit option Verizon


When I change to Mass Media then computer will not read the DRoid x is connected.


Nothing seems to work on this thing!




For 64 bit Windows try:


IMO, it works better than v cast which is somewhat bloated and slow on a 32 bit system.

Contributor - Level 2

"Nice! Why can't APPLE just get there stuff here to Verizon so I don't have have to screw around with the DROID mess!"


I'm sorry, I don't mean to thread crap on this, but where exactly is your issue?  Yes, VCAST is garbage and had it's time in the sun years ago..time to shut it down!  But, honestly, where is there a "DROID mess"?  If someone can't figure out how to use a simple yet powerful device to perform a VERY simple task like transfering media via USB without being locked down to a restrictive iTunes application then you really should just use a normal phone and use your ipod for music.

Ditch VCAST and just use windows.

Windows 7 and DROID/ MOTOROLA have an extremely intuitive, easy to use tool called "media share" which is supported fully by DROID. 

  • Plug in your phone via USB and wait a second.
  • Your phone will have a notification that "connections are available"
  • Pull down your notification bar and change the USB connectin to "Windows Media Share"
  • Allow the device to install drivers.
  • Windows will pop up a very lovely easy to understand application to guide you with ALL your syncing and backing up processes.

So, stop trashing Verizon and the DROID for your misunderstanding of a simple technology.

see screenshot below...


Thanks for the help but that screen shot no longer shows on my computer on my particular Droid X. That would seem to be part of the issue. I have done nothing out of the ordinary  but I can't get the computer to recognize this thing. 


The fact that very little works on this thing is a little frustrating........from the simple ability to change views depending on which way you hold it to the fact that  this phone will not connect with  this PC running WIndows 7.


Never had an issue with an IPhone!............................................ So thats the story



Contributor - Level 2

interesting that the media manager stopped popping up.  You'll need to make sure that the USB selection on the phone is NOT USB MASS...anything.  Just "windows media Sync"

Also, make sure have drivers installed, it should be automatic.  And, if you have firewall configured to be pretty agressive, that may stop it from recognizing the device.  these issues arent exclusive to Droid X or Android or Verizon at all.


Changing views?  I assume you are talking about changing from portrait to landscape when you rotate the phone...of course the Droid does that.  There is a very capable accelerometer in the DX..  It does not do it on the stock home screen for some odd reason with this phone, but with an alternate home launcher and within most applications, it certainly does change.

If you are a lefty and roate the phone clockwise instead of counter-clockwise, then you are right.  Android 2.1 does not rotate display that way.  That is fixed in a couple weeks when Android 2.2 is pushed out to these devices.


You are frustrated and keep saying stuff like "nothing works on this thing" which is just 100% untrue.  There are some issues that have been discussed many times, but no one says that nothing works.  It is obvious that you are not comfortable using this phone.  You don't have to keep it.  Return it and wait til 2011 when iPhone comes out for Verizon. 


My wife is going to get an iPhone next year on our plan when it finally comes out.  I might try to convince her to swap w/ me at times when she does.





Ended up back tracking trying to figure out why nothing was working and when it started.

Went in and deleted everything related to DoubleTwist which had also stopped functioning due to computer not reading the X.

Deleted all the files and music files on both ends and checked the settings.


Re boot ed  and go figure the Droid snapshot is now showing up.............................


Still not real impressed with DROID but will wait until 2.2 to make final decision.






I had a very similar problem today.  When I connected by USB device to do media, it would recognize my device and then freeze if I used windows explorer.  Then it would not recognize my device at all and said it was damaged or something.  After several attempts at restarting Vista,  and downloading a new Motorola driver and restarting the Droid, I was able to make a good connection.  I have come from using nothing but itunes and apple devices for the last several years, so it is rather difficult adjusting.  I ended up using Windows Media Player.  I disconnected the droid and made my play list before reconnecting.  Syncing worked fine.  I have read, but not downloaded, there is an app that allows you to use "itunes" for your syncing.  You might look into that.


I had a more difficult time trying to copy files directly to the USB storage device on the Droid.  It was copying super slow.  Like 2 hours to copy 200 megs.  I ended up removing the SD disk and copying that way.  It was very fast, but not very convenient since you have to remove the battery to get to the SD disk.


However, after all that, I finally learned how to properly "mount" the SD storage.  After you connect with your USB, and you hear the notification, you check "notifications" at the top of the screen by pulling down.  One of the notifications will be your USB connection with the droid.  When you touch it, a drop down screen will appear.  Choose USB Mass Storage if you want to simply copy items from your PC folders to the SD card.  If you want to sync media, then choose that option.  I was even able to get my own ringtones installed on the SD card by the end of the day after learning how to do this all properly.  Motorola's website is very helpful for all these tasks.




When you are done, look in your usb device manager in your taskbar, and stop device motorola device before removing.


I feel for you, and I too am waiting for iPhone to come to Verizon, but I may become a Droid convert in the meanwhile.  Have some patience; it does have a steeper learning curve than iPhone.  I actually love the way the Droid X sounds when connected to my car speakers.  It's much better than my touch and ipod ever were.


Frankly I just use Windows Media Player and it syncs brilliantly, After using iTunes on my old iPhone for so long I was really pleased with how well WMP worked for syncing.
