What will Verizon Do about the Droid Charge?

It may have been a customer of Verizon for many many years and this is the first time I have considered changing companies.  I had wanted a specific phone but was talked into the Charge being told that it was the best and the only one the people at Verizon would recommend and all were using it.  I had done many months of research and the Charge was not one one the list.  I was lead to believe it was the best.  It has been the worst phone I have ever had and I like Samsung, but not this one.

Not only does it go off when you don't want it to, but when you make a call it goes black and in order to end the call or just to add someone else to the call you have turn the phone off, then turn it back again.  For a sophisticated phone it is a pain.  Everyone I know who has other Androids do not have the same problems.  I  would like very much to change out this phone, but after all of the years I have been a customer I am stuck with an inferior product for the length of my contract.  I will never do this again.  I will buy my own phone and have no contract that ties you too a contract. It may be  worth looking into the other companies that are more customer friendly.

2 Replies

I have to agree with you and I am lookig into other choices.  The Droid Charge has been abandoned by both Verizon and Samsung leaving us to deal with an out of date problematic product...

Contributor - Level 3

the phone turning black during a call is a feature of my most phones to prevent "face-dialing".  you've probably got the sensor blocked still after making the call (top of the phone screen, right-hand side - look for a red dot).  some folks accidentally place their screen protector over this - thus causing the problem.

also, you don't need to power off, sometimes, simply pressing once (lightly) the power button will turn the screen back on.

the charge is actually a great phone (when the VZW bloatware has been removed), and you have the latest updates (software and kernel).

hope this helps.