Gmail and Corporate email wont sync CONNECTION ERROR

In my office - i get an intermittant 3g or 4g signal.  I can easily download and sync my popmail, but my corporate email and gmail will instantly geta CONNECTION ERROR

I have tried changing my settings to just 3G - but that didnt help

As soon as i am in a different area - there are no sync issues, no connection error messages.  I never have this issue when i connect over wi fi, so i know my user name / password settings are correct

Interesting - i also cannot receive group messages or txt images in the same area of the building.  Keeps saying DOWNLOAD NOW, and i can click it over and over and nothing happens

I can get group messages, text images, and sync once i am in a differnet area and not connecting over a wi fi

In my office - i AM able to access pop mail and the internet - no real i think it has something to do with the intermittant 3g / 4g signal...but doesnt really make sense that i can still access pop email and internet

Any suggestions?

Mobile Network settings are set to global, and i did over ride and set to CDMA only and that did NOT make a difference


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