Disconnected after failing to pay promise to pay

So as the title says, I made a promise to pay on my account but things kept hitting me and I failed to meet the agreement. Prior to this I had suspended my service, hoping that would give me at least a couple months to get back on track and caught up again. Today I was notified that my service was disconnected and got a final bill. Now, I'm not arguing with the details of the final bill, but I am questioning why it was disconnected if I suspended the line? And if it's because of the past due balance that's ok I guess, but is there any other recourse I can take to have the account reconnected or am I just going to have to accept lesson learned and pay nearly 2k for the device? I haven't been with Verizon long, so if I could get some information it's appreciated.

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Hi Spyderdwagon, thank you for reaching out about your account. Based on the information provided you would need to connect with our Financial Services Department to see what options are available: 866-266-1445 Mon-Sat 8:00AM - 10:00PM ET.
