How to escalate an issue due to fraud when customer service calls are giving the run around and not recording my information?
Enthusiast - Level 1

Is there any way to escalate an ongoing issue my significant other has been having with his account? Verizon has still not completely addressed our situation and its becoming incredibly frustrating.

I will try to be as descriptive of the situation as possible.

Around January of this year, my significant other got his usual text reminding him his bill was due and it was way larger of an amount he's used to. His usual bill is around $200USD he has two line and a home wifi, but this bill was almost $1000. When he looked into it on the verizon app it showed that someone opened up 3 new lines and purchased phones for those lines, which he didn't do and nobody he knows has the ability to do.

This suspicious activity sort of sent us down a rabbit hole of finding out sca**ers were able to get into his bank accounts and take money of his, so we had to get that sorted out with his bank too. We believe the two things are connected and that those sca**ers were the ones to add those extra charges on. 

Thing is, is that when we called verizon to address these issues on the bill, the first call we made the agent told us that to avoid paying the entirety of the bill we would need to cancel auto-pay and delete the app account since it was comprised due to fraud, and that they would work on crediting our account to remove the added charges. So we did so and they said fraud would call us within the week to discuss their findings. A week goes by and nobody calls, so we call verizon again. This time after explaining the whole ordeal the person on the other line tells us theres no record of an agent working with us on that, basically as if we never called them in the first place. So we had to go through the whole process again! This person actually connected us to fraud and they were actually able to disconnect the lines and send us their recorded finding in email, telling us the fraud has been taken care of and our next bill will reflect that. 

Some timepasses and we get a physical bill in the mail and the charges are still there, only more is added on because its showing we didn't pay our previous bill(the one that included the fraudulent charges), total to almost $3,000 USD.

We call verizon AGAIN to ask why these charges still haven't gotten off our bill despite someone saying they would and this agent tells us fraud disconnected the lines but didn't credit anything to our account, again having no record of that being what they said they'd do! Its like Verizon is picking and choosing what they want to record in a customer file. 

So the entirety of the fraud issue still hasn't been resolved almost two months later and every time we called it seems like the verizon agents are only recording some of what they said would be done. 

This has become very frustrating to see my significant other deal with, especially because they have given hope that the next bill will show its all resolved.

Is there any way I can get this issue escalated to someone who can actually and finally fix this situation and have the bill correctly reflect that, and assist with getting the phone number connected back with a verizon account app? 




3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Oh, wow! We are stunned to read the entire fraud issues has not been resolved. You have the right to feel frustrated, especially after everything you have been through. We want to guide you in the right direction.


Please file a fraud claim through our official fraud portal, so they can further assist with your equipment/billing dilemma:


Hope this helped.


Enthusiast - Level 1

Hi Gilbert, thank you for your response. We have actually already filed a claim after I believe the second phone call, which is what prompted the disconnection of the phone lines that were suspiciously added. What we donโ€™t understand is how come the added charges and fees that come along with that were not taken care of as well? Will we need to file ANOTHER claim for those? Shouldnโ€™t the fraud agent have also addressed that? 

Customer Service Rep

You are correct, the initial Fraud Agent should have addressed yoru billing/charge concerns. Unfortunately, since that was not the case, it would be of vital importance to file the fraud claim to ensure a Fraud Specialist contacts you (within two business days) to review your account dilemma.


Let us know if this information helped.
