I Returned a phone device and no updates yet, been almost a week


I wanna say this, I returned a device last weekend on March 9th right, and on March 12th, it was delivered at the dock and received by someone as it says on the UPS website right, on my account on here, it still does not show a check in the received circle nor accessed as well as there is not a check in neither of those 2 circles yet, and tomorrow will make a week that I went and send off the device back to Fort Worth TX, how come the status has not been updated on my account yet nor have I received a email notification yet about the item was delivered and received, something is not sounding right in that picture to me at all, Verizon need to get on with their game or something, also I did a request to cancel a temporary line on my account as I had a temporary line set up on my account last week to have phone service to use on my account until I got a physical SIM Card in the mail that I had an agent to order online for me last week when we tried and tried to get the eSIM to work on the device that I had tried to get to work but it was a unsuccess to me, what gets me is that the physical SIM Card I had got, I took with me to a store to let them people at the store help me get it activated to work on the phone I had got it in the mail for to work in right, push come to serve when they was doing the activation on the phone of the toll free number they called to get help with the activation, for some odd reason, they did the eSIM option instead of the physical SIM card itself, and I was like oh wow and I was saying to myself why did I even wait and get the physical SIM Card in mail if I know they was not gonna use it instead, and on that physical SIM Card was the main number of the line on my account that I was waiting for to come in the mail as I had got set up a temporary number to a temporary line on my account, now with that being said, they had got me up and running as far as the main line on my account and after they did that and all, they did test call and mobile data and text message to make sure it worked on that phone and so far it did work but then within a couple of hours of getting that activated, started to pop up on that phone was Emergency Calls only and searching for service as if that phone had stopped working and form time to time it would start back showing Verizon at the top of the phone, the phone was a pre owned Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Burgundy Color that I was having problems with and then to top that off, later that night I had got online with Verizon Secure Channel Chat and told them what was happening and they helped me get that main line of service to working on a different Galaxy S22 Ultra that I had on hand thankfully as it was a black color device and boom it works good on it instead of that other one, no problems with it working good on the black S22 Ultra yay, so please Verizon look into that phone device as it was returned and delivered and received at the dock by someone so that I can get my refund back off of it and also look into the request I had did to cancel the temporary line of service on my account so that I wont be charged for 2 lines of service when I just wanna stick to 1 line of service as that is my main line of service, I would appreciate it if you can look into doing that for me at my request,

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