Verizon mistake, now account in collections
Enthusiast - Level 1

Verizon created two accounts in error while I ported a number last fall. These accounts should not exist and do not have associated services or existing phone numbers. I began receiving bills for both in the fall. I have spent many hours on the phone with customer support and have been told repeatedly I don't owe any of these amounts. Eventually the main balance was removed, but 9.99 in taxes was left on both accounts. Again, I was repeatedly told I didn't owe this and that it would be removed the next billing cycle. 

Now, I have received notice that one of the accounts with 9.99 in charges was sent to collections.(If I knew this would be such a pain I would have paid to stop dealing with it months ago!! But they kept telling me it was going to be resolved). I have documentation in the form of text messages from Verizon customer support that I do not own any charges on this account number. Both Verizon and the collections agency say they are unable to withdraw the debt, they refer me to each other as the party with the power to resolve the issue. 

Does anyone have experience with inaccurate charges sent to collections? How do I resolve this without it impacting my credit report? Is it best to dispute through the collection agency, or through Verizon, or pay the charge and try to get it removed if it shows up on my credit report next month? Does Verizon ever fix their own mistakes???

7 Replies
Customer Service Rep


Frustrated_customer10000, your credit is hard-earned, and we are sorry to hear that something like this would happen. If the account is closed and the balance was sold, the best avenue will be our recovery team at 800-852-1922. This way, should the debt need to be recalled, it may. I trust this will help in resolving this matter. -Loren

Enthusiast - Level 1
Thanks for your response. I called the number and eventually was forwarded to the collection agency rather than able to talk to anyone at Verizon. The collection agency said only Verizon can withdraw the debt but I haven't been able to find anyone at Verizon that can help with this. 
Customer Service Rep

Hi! I will definitely be more than glad to help you, please send us a private note and I will assist you, there's nothing that doesn't have a solution, so let's find out the solution together. Thanks!


Enthusiast - Level 1

I tried to send a private message and was told I have reached the limit of private messages I can send . I haven't sent any private messages. Can you initiate the private message, maybe that will work.

Moderator Emeritus


Could  you try again and let us know if the issue is still occurring for you.  

Customer Service Rep

I would love to help you and that we review the account together, at the moment my system does not allow me to start a private note, please send me a private note, and we can continue the conversation in that channel.



Customer Service Rep

We are sorry to hear about that. The only way we can continue is having the customer PM us. You can also try another platform like Facebook, Instagran or Twitter! We will be here! *Nicki