Anyone have being billed for 1-900 (adult line) calls you don't make

Hi All,

we got 2 past billing cycles charge around total of $700 related to call 1-900 numbers.

I called Verizon they asked me to called MCI. They refused to credit me the charge said the call was made from my home.

But my kid is 5 year old. My wife and I did not make it. We don't even home at that time too.

What should I do? I'm planning to file a complaint to Public Utility Comission of Texas, BBB and my local police.

Appreciate any suggestions and helps.



3 Replies

@tdtexas wrote:

Hi All,

we got 2 past billing cycles charge around total of $700 related to call 1-900 numbers.

I called Verizon they asked me to called MCI. They refused to credit me the charge said the call was made from my home.

But my kid is 5 year old. My wife and I did not make it. We don't even home at that time too.

What should I do? I'm planning to file a complaint to Public Utility Comission of Texas, BBB and my local police.

Appreciate any suggestions and helps.



For the future you should be able to call Verizon and ask that all those types of number be blocked on your line. I thought at one time they were blocked by default and you needed to request them to be unblocked. Also have third party billing block placed on your line for safeties sake. They can do both. But it may be different if VZ is not you LD provider.

Not Available in NY. GO FIGURE.

There should be a number of the provider of the service that was called, not the 900 or 976 #, but a number to their business office.. Call them and insist you did not contact the, call them, or request, any service from them. Insist they call contact Verizon, or your long distance provider to remove the charges. Make threats to contact the FCC, BBB, PUC etc... That may work.


Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I called Verizon as soon as I received my first billing which charge $102 and asked them to block 1-900 numbers. Then next billing cycle I got another $600 charged. I asked them why that happened they said the 1-900 called made before that.

I'm going to file the complaint with FCC,  comission public utility state of Texas, BBB, local police and switch my carrier.



Specialist - Level 2

Yep happened to us about 10yrs ago through AT&T even though we didn't have AT&T as our long distance carrier that is who the crooks billed it through and the calls were to gianu africa for the 900 numbers, probably didn't spell that right.  Googled and found a whole complaint forum about this with other people having the same problem all billed through AT&T and AT&T refused to do anyting about it saying every one was making the calls.

  The strange thing is AT&T insisted at first it was done through the computer only we were on high speed cable so no phone line from jack to the computer and it was good Friday and computer was completely off and no one was home except the guinea pig.  We were all out to dinner and I had the receipt to proove it too.  Had to escilate it with AT&T and next person said no not computer was directly dialed from home phone but couldn't have been since we were not home and there was only me, husband and young son and no one was making those calls for sure.  AT&T put a what ever block on but said if they then bill through another company it will happen again and said I had to pay the bill and I refused to since I know we did not make those calls.

Finally called verizon since they were our local phone provider and told them I was disputing the long distance portion of my bill and not paying it and explained why and lady said I don't blame you and never heard anything else from AT&T after that and never paid them a dime for calls we didn't make to those 900 numbers.  We never did figure how how the calls got on our bill either but I know we sure as heck didn't dial the number from our home phone number like they claimed.  Mary
