Bad, Bad, Bad Verizon service - land line copper
Enthusiast - Level 1

This is due to us retaining our copper landline when we got FiOS. We had an outage earlier this year.

From previous problem: The tech had to come to our building to fix one problem and then later had to do some kind of software fix to fix the problem.

Today, we discovered we have no dial tone and after being on hold for 42 minutes (2 separate calls) and getting nowhere, I had to go online to put in a ticket. 
Of course, one cannot add any comments at this point.  So, I had to go back online and try to update the ticket.

Crazy stupid **bleep** me, after using IE10, Google Chrome and Firefox - I was not able to update our ticket with this info:

REPEAT PHONE PROBLEM. Occurred a couple of months ago with tech having to go to building basement & then after I called the tech to say it was still not working he had to do a software fix.

So, after having low opinions already of Verizon, that opinion was heightened after the two failed phone calls and the online update attempt.  Very, very **bleep** off and I really want to use a great deal of profanity.......!!!!!

6 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

Oh, I forgot, when I was on one of the failed phone calls, I had the option for a Tuesday (June 4th) tech call.  But after the call failed and I went online, the earliest service call was for Wed (June 5th) 8 - 12. So I took that.

Well, again, silly **bleep** me, when I attempted to update the online ticket - it showed me a different commit time than what I originally selected, it was now 3pm...! 

Go figure.

Moderator Emeritus

Hi gudguy1,

Please go to your profile page for the forum by clicking on your name, and look at the top of the middle column where you will find an area titled "My Private Support Cases". There you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis, as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal

Customer Service Rep


We were unable to get a response from you in our private thread. If you have future concerns or questions, please be sure to let us know. Have a good day.


Enthusiast - Level 1

Sorry, unable to locate that section.

After clicking on name in upper right, then looking  at the top of the middle column where you will find an area titled "My Private Support Cases".

--- Not finding that section anywhere...

Moderator Emeritus

The name you click is on the upper left, right under the title of this board. Once on your profile page, you can't miss it.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Okay, thanks for the email to me.

Yes, the problem was resolved last Wednesday (June 5th) - the tech who came out to my place said the problem was actually in the CO. He was in comms with the CO person while waiting at my home. The CO tech got it resolved in about 15 - 20 min and the phone line was back up.

Now, today (Thur June 13th) I got the "optional" phone call to migrate our copper land line to fiber.... But it did not sound like an option, but maybe I was groggy from sleep...

 The woman who left us that message, gave us a wrong call back number (it was in NJ).  After getting the right number and beng on hold for 40 minutes, it was cleared up that there were no orders to migrate the copper to fiber. The guy who told me this did mention that down the road, Verizon will be migrating everyone to fiber.

I told him no problem, we'll more than likely take our land line to some other carrier.

I've been in telecom in my past and for the time being, the next several years, we'll be keeping the copper line for any just in case emergencies...

Some of the carriers are trying to get out of the less profitable copper business and focus primarily on fiber as the future.  Yes, fiber may be the future but....
