Facists running verizon?
Enthusiast - Level 1

According to news reports, Verizon willingly, without any objection, without any notice to its customers, gave the NSA under President Obama records of all phone calls on the Verizon network.  Is Verizon Part of Obama’s campaign aginst Americans or are they just fascists?  I demand a rebate on my monthly phone bills while this was occurring.

5 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

" Verizon willingly, without any objection," ... ?


 This does not seem to match up to what is being reported..


"The U.S. government has obtained a top secret court order that requires Verizon"






It has been reported that the National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of US customers of Verizon under a top secret court order issued in April.  It is said the order requires Verizon on an “ongoing, daily basis” to give the NSA information on all telephone calls in its systems, both within the US and between the US and other countries.  Is this true?

Khoros Partner
Khoros Partner

These forums are dedicated to Residential products and services offered by Verizon.

As this topic pertains to Verizon Wireless, please post your topic on the Verizon Wireless community.

Thank you


How does everyone like that Verizon is supplying your phone records to the NSA of the Federal Government?  (Where you were when you called or received a call, the number you called or were called by, the duration of the call)  Nice huh?  Verizon CEO should have had the guts to tell the court he wasn't going to do it and protect our privacy.  This is a direct violation of the 4th Amendment of the Constitution and Verizon is guilty of participating.

If you believe they are recording and archiving your calls only for national secuity reasons you are in a total dream world.

We need to bombard, totally overwhelm Verizon with phone calls telling them to stop.

Specialist - Level 1

The policy you are referring to where the government is monitoring what you do is one that started in 2001 when bush was president and at that time it was illegal to do it. Now it has become legal thanks to some changes to the business part of the patriot act that allows the government access to anything they want in the name of national security. It is not just wireless though. It is also home phones too. They can ask any business (a phone company, isp, airline) for access to anything without your consent if they think you may be someone who is up to no good. If they wrongly identify you as someone who may be trouble then your life will become a living nightmare. The reason why this is a concern for people is that not only are you being monitored but if they make a mistake and think you are doing things that you should not be doing they can arrest you, detain you indefinitely or if you happen to leave the country they can use a drone on you if you were identified wrongly as an enemy combatant. If someone is pretending to be you onIine then that can also lead to trouble too. It often can be a case of mistaken identity. I just found out that someone has been using a name that i use on here on the verizon wireless forums for a year now even though it is not me. Now that could lead some people to believe i am saying what that person is saying but it is not me. I mentioned some of these national security measures more than a year ago on here where i went into detail about what the government was doing when people were angry about why bridges tv was being dropped where it got a lot of attention not only from verizon customers but at&t customers too where i mentioned the government's relationship with those companies. The thread is out there if you want to see it where it became so popular that it comes up as a google suggestion. Most of the threads i start on here later become google suggestions where if you want to see that old thread then google "real reason bridges tv and funimation are being dropped."  
