Have FIOS, Want Copper, Who Do I Talk to and What Do I Ask?
Enthusiast - Level 1


This question is about COPPER TELEPHONE LINES.

I would like to restore copper line service to an address that is currently served by FIOS.  The address is {edited for privacy} My copper lines are apparently intact. It is a single family dwelling and I own the inside wiring.  I have never given permission for my lines to be cut.  I will change the wiring if needed. I have a cabling technician available should I need one. 

My questions: 

1. Who do I talk to to get the copper telephone lines going (name phone number)  and what is the right way to ask?

2. Is it required that I give up the fios service in order to have a copper line working, or can both coexist? 

Please note that I am not asking for some variation of FIOS service - I want to have a copper line installed and working. 

Thanks in advance for your help.

Jim Pickrell

11 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

FiOS and Copper service can certainly co-exist, but Verizon would typically prefer to provision telephone service, even if just POTS, over the Fiber connection rather than re-connect the copper. Is there a specific reason as to why you're looking to get the copper hooked back up? Verizon will typically ask for that reason, and will either hook it up or fight the request depending on what is needed. The other way to get the copper back is to get service through a CLEC (Reseller), who needs to be given access to the copper by Verizon.

Enthusiast - Level 1

We wish to install non-Verizon dsl service which requires copper. 

There are Verizon staff who monitor this conversation, I'm hoping one of them will be able to tell me the answer.

The only solution I've seen so far is to file a PUC complaint, but I'm hoping there's some friendlier way to put in the order.

Specialist - Level 1

@jimpickrell wrote:

We wish to install non-Verizon dsl service which requires copper. 

There are Verizon staff who monitor this conversation, I'm hoping one of them will be able to tell me the answer.

The only solution I've seen so far is to file a PUC complaint, but I'm hoping there's some friendlier way to put in the order.

The staff here are just mods who refer certain issues out to support. Honestly if you want better chances of getting a solution head over to dslreports.com (free to sign up) and go to the Verizon Direct forum. It's a forum where you can have a private thread between you and Verizon reps.

Community Leader
Community Leader

The Verizon staff who work these forums are moderators.  Their job is to keep conversations on topic and to filter out personal info (like what happened to your address).  They are not Verizon support.  The moderators sometimes escalate issues to Verizon support.  When this happens, the conversations occur through the private message feature of this web site.

Typically, the issues that are escalated are billing or service issues that haven't been resolved through other contact with Verizon support.  It is rare that issues get escalate without a history of the customer trying to work through support.

In short, if you want an answer from Verizon you need to contact them directly and not expect much from them through this forum.  You can click on the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of these pages or just call 1-800-VERIZON.

That said, when you switched to FiOS, you allowed Verizon to turn off the copper line.  In many areas, Verizon then decommissions these no longer in-service lines.  This is a legal process that officially removes the lines from service and eliminates maintenance on them.  While they are not physically removed, they are for all intents and purposes dead.  You'll need to talk to Verizon and/or your state PUC to find out the current status of the line to your home and if it can be put back into service.  I doubt it is possible.

Good Luck.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I think California was much better off with and independent telephone company.

Otherwise, we'd like to know who to talk to to get the DSL wired up.  We have a cabling person but we can't hook anything up if Verizon (fights us on this.

Per your suggestion, I'm going to immediately file a PUC complaint (California Public Utilities Commission).

Do we really have to go through the PUC?

If you have other suggestions I'm all ears.



Contributor - Level 2

when you switch to FiOs, the copper line take off, that is hard to  get it back, and there is no good reason to get it back.. For my mother"s building, it is 40 years, they do not fix the cooper line, I  am so happy to switch FiOs landline for her. I think nobody can answer your question and your request, keep the FiO land line phone.

Contributor - Level 2

You can  use FiOs home landline ONLY  ONLY,  TV and internet use ............../////

Save money

Enthusiast - Level 1

My goal is to get my copper line connected.

Several people have responded with ways to sign up for FIOS services.  I am aware of how to sign up for FIOS services.  We already have FIOS services.

A reminder of the topic: "Have FIOS, Want Copper, Who Do I Talk to and What Do I Ask?"

If anyone knows the right way to politely get the copper line working, then I am interested to hear about this. 

But I am hoping that there is some less combative way to get Verizon's cooperation in restore service to my copper wires, and that is my reason for posting here. 


I haven't seen anyone succesfully go back to copper with verizon.     It's nearly an act of congress to get it done, and usually involves medical reasons or some type of service incompatibility.

Is there a reason you would want to share with us to get your copper back?     if not you can try filing a puc complaint, but I am not sure that will do any good from what I have seen.  It "might" but I haven't seen any fruitful results for anyone in your scenario who didn't have a medical reason (life alert etc) 


Also your DSL provider should be taking point on this.  You can't really call Verizon about it since you aren't there customer with the copper or the DSL, you're provider will end up being their customer. 

I am not really sure how far you will get since even if they do the work, you won't be paying them and they won't even know who you are, there's a firewall between your provider and you with regards to who they wholesale from. 

Master - Level 1

If you are trying to order CLEC DSL service call them to place the order and a tech will be dispatched to hook it up to the NID. Verizon owns the cable but the CLEC will be your provider.
