How do I take ownership of my phone number
Enthusiast - Level 1

Well I just paid my last Verizon bill....they should get my check in a few days.

But before I cancel completely I want to make sure that I can take my Phone number with me where ever I go.   I have had it for 45 years.   

They just raised my monthly rate,  because I am out of my contract...thank goodness

I called them to try and get a better price but they do not care about current customers....only trying to give big discounts and GIFT card to NEW people.    

Well maybe in 2 or 3 years I might come back and get a discount as a new customer.    I am so fed up with the rat race that I really do not want to deal with any cable companies.     I may go with the other company BigC  but they play games with pricing too....But They will be Cheaper Than Verizon.

I was told by Verizon that only the other cable company can port my number.   What if I want to take a break from cable and just get Internet.  Maybe I will get a MagicJack ( but even those customers complain of quality)    

HOW DO I TAKE OWNERSHIP OF MY PHONE NUMBER.    So I can choose what company I will deal with and not be tied to Verizon....   If I have to I will probably go with the BigC Since Verizon does not want me as a customer anymore........

GoodBYE Joe

4 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Port your number to a cell phone. Search on line about porting your home number to a cell phone. Good luck

Enthusiast - Level 2

Go to store and buy magicjack,  cost $36 a year.  You can port your old number for $10.  Only problem you need internet to use it.  Either plugged into the wall or into a computer USB port. 

Community Leader
Community Leader

Technically, none of us own our numbers.

That said, number portability does make it easier to keep a number.  Know that if you port your number to a VoIP provider, cell phone or competitive local carrier, do NOT call Verizon until the port is done.  A pending cancellation order will interfere with the port.  If your old account is closed before the port happens, the number will be gone for good.

If you have a port in progress and it isn't going the way you think it should, the FCC has a complaint form you can fill out that will require a response from both parties.   Google should be able to find it.  Know that it can takes weeks for a response.

Good Luck.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Thanks to everyone for your replies

I hoped that I could take my number and decide what to do after I get rid of verizon.

But as the last post mentioned, I am now aware that I must go with another company before leaving verizon.

I may just go with the internet option.   

    You might get 200+ channels with cable but some days you can not find anything decent to watch  and it seems like every other channel is an info commercial......
