Landline voice mail notification problem
Enthusiast - Level 2

In February we switched to digital voice for our home phone.  I set the voice mail to notify me by cell phone if a message was left at home.  Now, when the system calls my cell phone (also Verizon) and I DO NOT answer it, the automated system LEAVES A MESSAGE ON MY CELL PHONE asking me to press 1 to hear messages.  Because Verizon Wireless has cut back on voicemail box size, only 4-5 of these automated messages fill my voicemail box!! 

I spent two hours yesterday on the phone with customer service.  I was told that they weren't sure they could turn off this FEATURE!! This is not a FEATURE it is a glitch in the system that does not disconnect the automated call after so many rings or disconnect if someone live does not answer.  The old system's notification had the same problem when they first introduced it for a very short time, but it was corrected.  SOMEONE at Verizon has to be aware of this and know how to correct it.....OR increase the size of my mailbox on my cell until they CAN FIX IT!! 

Someone at Verizon PLEASE HELP!!

2 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

UPDATE: I just got a call from Verizon to follow up my trouble ticket.  The rep told me that the service is functioning correctly...that the automated system SHOULD leave a non functioning message on my cell phone - it is a FEATURE of the digital voice mail system.  When I asked what good it did - it doesn't allow me to access the home voice mail system, or tell me who left a message - he didn't have much to say except it is working as designed. 

It is amazing how the NEW DIGITAL phone system is inferior to the old copper wire system.  I pay more for the system that doesn't work properly.

If anyone has contact information to anyone high up in Verizon please pass it along to me.  I want to contact someone who might be able to see the issue and fix the problem.  Thanks!

Master - Level 2

I have Fios Digital Voice and don't see the option that VZ will call you.  I have it set to send me a text to my cell phone and email me the voice mail message, both will come to my cell, just don't see the option to receive a phone call notification.
