Lose phone service and caller ID when it rains

We have been experiencing one or more of the following problems for well over 6 months.

1. so much noise on the line you can't hear,

2. phone doesn't ring (no incoming calls),

3.phone service goes out completely,(can't place OR receive calls)

4. caller ID either goes out completely or says "Line Error"

We've reported the problem repeatedly INCLUDING the part about it being an INTERMITTENT problem. The rep on the phone pretends to take copious notes. Schedules an appointment for 5-7 days later- The technician appears on a sunny day with no idea what the problem is supposed to be- and whatd'ya know- Phone is working just fine now.

Many others on our street have experienced (and continue to experience) same problem. One tech told me that Verizon knows the problem is widespread in our area, beyond even our street. They know there is a weather related problem somewhere in the lines. They know the lines are old and need replacing, but refuse to acknowledge the problem, allowing the techs only to provide a band aid (if anything).

I've spent SO much time reporting the problems as they crop up. We were lucky enough ONE time to be able to place the call when the line had a LOT of static. They had me hang up so they could run a test on the line. Called back a few minutes later saying indeed they had noted a great deal of static/noise and scheduled a service call. After spending 30 minutes (DURING MY WORK DAY) on the phone- 20 minutes after hanging up I receive an automated phone call from Verizon saying the problem I reported had been corrected- if I no longer needed the appointment- to press (some prompt) I was LIVID.

I called Verizon AGAIN... won't go into all of it here.

I spent 2 hours online tonight trying to find someplace to file a complaint. I never found any kind of email address outside of a Verizon online form. I've had it with Verizon's forms. I finally stumbled over an online forum with others complaining about the same problem. I then spent another 30 minutes setting up this account so I could POST. I am hoping to receive some form of resolution here. My next step is the FCC.

4 Replies
Moderator Emeritus

Hello phoneprobbah

Sorry you are having difficulty, an agent with access to your account will reach out to you directly by email, private message in the Forums and/or the billing telephone number on your Verizon account for more information or help you resolve your issue.

Master - Level 3

Sorry to hear about the weather related problems you are having. I have sent you a private message to get more information.

Master - Level 3

Our records are showing that the dispatch is complete, please let us know if the technition was able to resolve your issue ^MMP

Enthusiast - Level 2

Believe me I have enormous sympathy for you since I have the exact same problems. All of them! I just had a technician at my house yesterday that replaced worn out wires and the problem was ok for about 6 hours.  Said he would call back today to see if I still had problems, but haven't heard from him today. He was probably calling the land line because the phone kept ringing once and nobody would be there. I have just filed another repair request with Verizon. I don't know what it takes but I keep trying.  Signed, Sick of This
