No phone AGAIN - must wait 4 days for tech support this time!
Enthusiast - Level 1

Second time within a week.  The first time it took 3 days.  Problem outside the home finally fixed on Saturday

Two days later it is down again (Monday) ... and we cannot get support until THURSDAY

This is unaccetable ... what if we have an emergency!

4 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm hold with my cell phone - building minutes. A promised callback yesterday didn't happen. Meanwhile, salt to injury: they can afford to purchase another company for billions of dollars - apparently not enough money in hand to pay for service persons - now about a week without phone service. I am considering billing them for lost time and cell minutes.

DSL is also not working right - intermittent.    Can't update my service request by phone!!!!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same problem here too.  I'm in Virginia.  They say it's not my landline or phone line, that it's a Verizon Network problem, Phone works on and off...mostly off.  They say it won't be fixed until Monday, 9/9.  Been out since Sunday.  We're rural and need the landline.  Cells don't always work out here.  Unbeliveable!

Enthusiast - Level 3

Same here in South Jersey-was static on Thursday and internet is avg .257 mbps-Went to Pharmacy on Friday which uses Verizon right near me and computer kept going down checking me out-tried to pay by credit card but it couldn't access the credit card processor-Clerk said he saw 2 trucks right down their street. Picked up the phone this afternoon and no static and my internet went up to 3.94 mbps even though I have the 4-7 enhanced(lol never that) appt was scheduled Tuesday between 8-3 so I said everything is fine so go ahead and canceled. Got message on my cell about 6 pm saying your service is scheduled between 8-3. Thought good I'll just have them check everything. Well phone back to static and again .258 mbps so I called and said just forget what I said about canceling it as the problem is still persisting. But sir you called and canceled so the earliest I have is Friday as we filled that spot. I said No your call system said to be home tomorrow and I have things the rest of the week SO THAT IS THE WAY YOU ARE GOING TO KEEP IT MAM-Well I'll try to get you earlier but no guarantee. So now I have no idea when it is going to be to cancel something I have appts set-up one months ago-Comcast looks better and better to me every day


Same here.  Out for two days now, they won't send out a tech until Monday.  We're rural too, and need our landline.  Wish they had AT&T landlines in MA.
