NoMoRoBo not saving voicemails on Verizon account
Enthusiast - Level 1

I have NMRB on our FioS home phone number and use Panasonic cordless phones. Before NRMB voicemails from legit numbers were saved on Verizon. Now they are saved in the cordless phone and don't show up on my Verizon acount . Can I get vms saved on Verizon again?

1 Solution
Community Leader
Community Leader

Not sure why it doesn't work for you.  Usually works on mine.  Check both your phone and Verizon to make sure each answers after a different number of rings.  I have my phone set at 4 and Verizon set at 6.

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2 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

Not sure why it doesn't work for you.  Usually works on mine.  Check both your phone and Verizon to make sure each answers after a different number of rings.  I have my phone set at 4 and Verizon set at 6.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Bullseye!!  Both my wireless phone and my Verizon account were set to 4 rings. Before installing NMRB VMs went to Verizon, but afterwards they went to wireless phone. I change the wieless phones ring limit to 5 and messages now go to Verizon as I wanted. 

Thanks,   TheSkepticalOne
