Not allowed to cancel phone for 30 days?

I signed up with Verizon for home phone service and upon receiving my bill, two weeks after hook up I saw that the bill was alot more than it was supposed to be. I called immediately to cancel and was informed that you are NOT ALLOWED to cancel and must pay for 30 days. I said to lower the plan than and they said you are NOT ALLOWED to do that. Are you kidding me?? I was NEVER informed of this upon signing up. It is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of! I have to pay $100 for nothing! To top it off I explained I signed up for service with Clear for $20 and they said it won't work until their 30 days are up. I would NEVER recommend to anyone to sign up with Verizon based on this customer ser vice and will go out of my way to point it out to as many people as possible.

1 Reply
Master - Level 3

We would like to assist in getting your phone cancelled. I have sent you a private message to get your account information.
