Phone Service Out Again!!!

I  have a traditional phone which I use to work from home.  In January the phone went out and the repairperson came after a 2 week wait and fixed the problem, it was the riser.  Just a few weeks later the phone went out again.  Tested all phones and lines and it wasn't my equipment.  Verizon said I didn't need to be home so I wasn't when the repairperson came as it was a problem outside the home.  He called from the basement of our apt building using our line and said everything was fine on 3/15 and since he couldn't access the home there was nothing else he could do.  When I got home the lines didn't work.  I called Verizon and they couldn't send anyone prior to 3/25 so another repairperson came yesterday.  He was here for 4 hours and he fixed the problem, it was the riser, again!  Today my phone is dead.  I called Verizon and asked for a supervisor when I was told they couldn't send anyone until next week.  Supervisor said there was nothing they could do as it was up to dispatch.  I asked to speak to dispatch, he said no.  I asked to speak to his supervisor.  He said he was the end of the line.  I asked if he reported to himself and he said no that I had to go to the website.  There's nothing valuable that I can find on the website to push this issue.  Has anyone found a way to escalate problems?  I'm wasting time and money not to mention the frustration of not having a phone line.  I did see a posting about My Private Support cases but I don't see it on my screen and I'm not sure what it will do.  Has anyone tried the BBB?  Or, is there a more effective way to get things done?

2 Replies
Khoros Partner
Khoros Partner

Please go to your profile page for the forum by clicking on your name, and look at the top of the middle column where you will find an area titled "My Private Support Cases".
There you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.

Customer Service Rep

Since we haven't heard back from you as requested in your private support case, it appears assistance is no longer required. If you need any future help with your Verizon service, please make a post here on the forums so we can assist.


