Problem with the My Verizon app and voicemail
Enthusiast - Level 2

I'd posted this before but Verizon closed the thread.

I've been using the My Fios app for years to retrieve voicemail.

With the sunsetting of the My Fios app, I installed My Verizon. But the My Verizon app does not recognize that I have voicemail; it prompts me to call a number to set things up from scratch. It does show my incoming calls, etc., but does not see that I have voicemail at all.

I contacted support and opened a ticket; after over a week of not doing anything or contacting me, they simply closed it. After my previous post, I did  another support chat, but Verizon once again closed the ticket without doing anything to solve the problem. I requested a callback via the app but no one called back.

Anyone have anything similar? 

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Enthusiast - Level 2

Well, I talked to someone by phone. They were working with someone in the back end, and all they managed to do was also screw up  my voicemail access when using both the My FiOS app and my website account. So I went from being able to retrieve my voicemail via three out of four methods (My FiOS, phone, and website worked; My Verizon did not), down to one out of four (by phone works; My FiOS, My Verizon, and the website do not).