Repair, 2 week wait time is ridiculous!

My phone line and DSL connection have been down for  3 days.  We waited all day yesterday for a repair man who never showed up.  I called to find out what happened and was informed I would have to wait  another 10 days for the next available technician! If I knew Verizon service was going to be this bad I would have never signed up with them in the first place.  Anyone know what's going on?  Is there a strike? This is ridiculous!

4 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

Gee my post disappeared.  What a shocker.  It was something about contacting the Antrotey Gnreal which is what I have to do apparently.


The same thing is happening to me! The commit online and on the phone, you wait around, and then they just move back the days without telling you.

The service department person was very nasty and unapologetic, too. They don't seem to care that you wait around all day and they don't show up.  In this case they even knew they weren't coming at least the day before, but their website did not reflect this and they didn't bother to contact me by phone or e-mail.

They promised a fix this afternoon, now it is late and the website says a "committment" for Wednesday afternoon.

This is just a regular landline.  Back in the last century, I wouldn't have to wait for weeks in the middle of snow storms or hurricanes.  I keep the landline for reliablity, but that is now a joke.

BTW, don't bother with online chat -they just give you the same phone number of the service department that did this to you in the first place.

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A telephone company (which is regulated, or should be at least as you are being taxed for it) is required to make repair attempts within 24 hours of a report of an outage with a line, and these rules have not changed. Three days is something I would say would be "acceptable" only during extremely bad natural disasters that wound up taking out your entire area, or damaging key parts of the physical plant. A week-two weeks for a repair is unacceptable and Verizon can be fined for not taking action.

Contact your local PUC (Public Utilities Commission) and file a complaint with them over the lack of attention being put towards your line. That will get the ball rolling.


I'm in the same boat. Today is 14 days (Friday March 11th) since I lost usable phone and DSL. I called them on Monday March 14th and a service call was scheduled for Thursday March 17th.

I sat in front of my giant bay window all day waiting and saw nobody, nor did anyone ever contact me by phone or knock on my door. The next day I called Verizon and was informed that a technician had been out, that my line was fine and the case was closed. I was little shocked, I didn't know Verizon employed phantom repairmen. Suffice to say my phone and DSL were, in fact, not fine. This particular operator was the only one through this whole ordeal who came through for me as a technician was out the next day. Within 5 minutes of checking the outside lines he told me that there was an obvious problem (makes me wonder what the phantom repairman was checking just two days earlier) but that he needed to put in an order for yet another technician to come out as he couldn't fix the problem. He told me he put a rush in and they would be out within 24-48 hours. This was Saturday.

I waited all day Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and still nobody showed up so I once again went through the rigamarole of calling customer service only to be told that my service call was scheduled for Wednesday. Well Wednesday came and went and nothing. I called back Thursday and was told that my service call was scheduled for Friday (today).I informed them that if it was not repaired today I would be canceling my account.

Today has come and gone and of course nobody has shown up. Now the website list my ticket as being open through Monday.

In all this time I received exactly ONE call from Verizon to confirm a scheduled appointment and that was on the Wednesday before my original service call was scheduled, the phantom repairman.

So in summation. 14 days total without service, 11 days since i contacted them. 4 Scheduled service calls, 1 technician actually seen, nothing done.

Thank you Verizon. I've have no idea what filing a complaint with the BPU will do but I'm filing it.
