Terrible customer service experience - please help!!!!! Two stories w/ phone problem
Enthusiast - Level 2

Please read all the way down to the bottom.  I detail two different but related problems and a truly terrible job by Verizon so far in resolving them.  I have spent 5 hours on customer service and I still have a broken house phone and I am truly frustrated with your poor customer service.

I have a verizon cell phone and a verizon house/phone/internet.  I also pay an additional fee for something called a wire maintence plan. Recently the phone jack in my kitchen stopped working.  All of our phones are the wireless ones connected to to a jack off  the router but I still thought if I have to have that ugly phone plate in the kitchen, I'd really like to have it work.

Last week on Wednesday , I  called and made an appointment for a tech to come out and was scheduled for an appointment the next day between  8 and 12.  The tech showed up an unannounced an hour later. He fiddled with some things, connected some wires, complained that the last guy had done a half assed job and then had me listen to my phone to make sure it had a dial tone. It did and he left. What I didn't know was that while I could make calls going out, all the calls coming in all day today got a busy signal.

When I realized the problem with incoming calls I called to  tech service again to schedule another appointment, this time to fix whatever it was that the guy broke. I got someone on the line and when he asked for a call back number before I gave him my Verzion cell phone number my first question was "does this count against my minutes?". He said no and then called me back on my cell phone and proceed to try for over an hour to solve the problem remotely.  I knew it was futile, the guy did things to the wires in my house, not on the pole. For over an hour he kept putting me on hold and as he would come back on the line, I would insist that he just make a **bleep** appointment again to get somewhere here. Then after an hour of not fixing anything (I just had him on the speaker phone on my cell as I made dinner and did laundry) he hung up on me. When I tried to call back I learned that whatever he had done had made it so I now can't call in or out. So I call back again to try again to schedule a service call and ask again if the call would count against my cell phone plan minutes.  This time I'm told that it will and I realize I have spent about $50 bucks today on hold to have someone hang up on me. When I called again to complain, I've been told there's nothing anyone can do.  Verizon wireless tells me they aren't Verizon. Regular Verizon acknowledges they are actually wireless and regular verizon
but claim they can't see wireless's records to confim anything and also their billing department can't see their tech service departments notes. Fios Customer service actually said to me that their supervisors are not allowed to talk to customers.

To add insult to injury, to make matters worse although the phone isn't working, about every 30 minutes it makes this really long weird ring, a ring with no break, and there's no one on the other side of the call.  I believe that is their final act of just plain taunting
me. so to sum up.  They used up my minutes, they broke my phone, they hung up on me at least 3 times and now they are **bleep** with me with some sort of crazy guantanano bay style phone torture. Plus I will have to wait around tomorrow for a tech who may or may not show up.  A tech came out on Friday and supposively fixed the problem except......

Fast forward to this week - First, No one from Verzion Fios ever addressed my complaint about burning my cell minutes but put that aside. 

Now the major continuing problem is that the so called fixed phone has a internet radio station (WNPR - CT Public Broadcasting's Internet Portal) bleeding over incredibly loudly at all times.

The phone is virtually unuseable because the radio interference is so loud.    After patiently hoping that it would get better for the past two days, it is now so loud that when I spoke to customer service tonight, I have a pounding headache. So loud that the customer service rep asked me to turn my radio down!!!!   A headache made so much worse by the fact that I was on hold for almost an hour while customer service refused to book an appointment until she ran external tests.  And wouldn't agree to just call me back because she said she would have to take another call if we disconnected and she wasn't allowed to actually allow me to not spend an hour on hold while she screwed around trying to fix something and also made me wait on hold until she could  book a service call after I begged her to just send someone out.   

A hour goes by and now I'm told that the soonest I get an appointment to fix what Verizon broke is November 15th.  Two more weeks of having a phone that is playing easy listening music so loud that you get a headache.  Two more weeks just to get someone out to my house to fix a problem that your Verzion team didn't fix correctly in 2 visits to my home so far.

When I say I want a credit on my phone bill for all of this time my phone is useable, I get transfered to billing and put on hold again.  After another 30 minutes the billing agent tells me that she's made a notation on my account but I will need to call back after the problem is resolved to maybe get a credit. 

Why should I have to call them back again?   

Why can't the person who finally comes to fix what you broke spend an hour of their life on your hold system and make this right and get a credit applied??? 

What's it gonna take to get your company to fix this problem promptly and who gives me back all the hours of my life I've spent on hold?  Not to mention waiting for service calls!! 

7 Replies
Moderator Emeritus

Hello DMCxx

Let's see if we can get you some help. An agent with access to your account will reach out to you directly by email or private message in the Forums since your phone number is out of service. He'll request more information or help you resolve your issue.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I'll believe it when it happens...

Have them email me.  And tell them to be prepared with real solutions this time including a credit on my bill for lost time on my house phone, along with $30 for lost minutes on my cell phone (@.45 a minute it adds up pretty quick) , along with an appointment to fix my phone that isn't more than 2 weeks away.

 I don't want to spend 1 more minute on hold after giving your company over 5 hours so far on HOLD!!!!!

Master - Level 3

I do apologize for the problems you are experiencing and the support received. With the winter storms on the east coast, our dispatch appointments are severely pushed out. I apologize for the delay. We can definitely submit a credit request for the entire duration your phone has been unusable. You do not have to call in. Once the appointment is completed and the service is working, please just send me a private message here and I will make sure to get it taken care of for you.

Enthusiast - Level 2

What are you going to do about my all the minutes you used on my cell phone?

 I asked your tech support a direct question if the minutes we spent on the phone would count against my plan minutes.  I got a direct answer and he was wrong.  Your company owes me money.  (Not to mention I'm going to end up going way over my minutes this month since I'm having to use my Verizon cell phone for EVERY CALL I MAKE!!!!

Contributor - Level 1

Hi, I am sorry if you didn't get a direct answer to your question about your cell minutes. If you called the 1-800-Verizon number from your Verizon cell, that call does not count against your cell minutes. Please PM me your contact information and the trouble ticket # if you have it and I can check the status of your repair.

Peter C.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Your tech called me back on my cell phone and tied up my line for an hour.  Does that count against my minutes?

I wasn't told a ticket number.  You should be able to pull the records for my account and see the whole case file including all the times I've already called.  

Contributor - Level 1


I moved your ticket to 11/04 and I will update you when I find out about the credit.

Peter C