VLD Shortfall Charge: Why?

What is a "VLD Shortfall Charge" and why is it constantly tacked onto my monthly bill? Every month, like clockwork, is a surcharge of $13.99. I disputed the charge once before and had it removed, but I cannot do that every month. That said, why is it a recurring charge? 

I have informed customer support (at least twice) that we do not use this line for any long-distance calls; we have free long-distance calling on our mobile phone plan. In fact, we rarely use the landline phone at all. We only have the landline because VZW said we had to for internet service.

Is this fee some sort of punishment for not using long-distance service they could otherwise bill me for? A "poor tax", as it were, for not being profitable enough for a company who claimed $126,000,000,000 (yes, billion) in consolidated revenues for FY2016 alone?

This is an unnecessary, exploitative charge. I never purchased or requested long-distance, so why am I essentially being fined for not having it? I want a straight answer from VZW: what is it and why I'm charged it; not some blanket statement about levying various fees and charges at their discretion.

2 Replies

I too am annoyed by the shortfall charge, as well as by the persistent lack of information from Verizon on any plans other than Fios. Would be happy for more transparency.


For you both I would call Verizon up and ask what the charge is for.

i am assuming your internet is over copper phone lines? DSL?

there use to be a DSL service where it’s just a number. From Wikipedia 

A naked DSL (a.k.a. standalone or dry loop DSL) is a digital subscriber line (DSL) without a PSTN (analogue telephony) service — or the associated dial tone. In other words, only a standalone DSL Internet service is provided on the local loop.

It may be possible to still get that service, or just cancel the phone altogether and see if other services are available in your area.
