expired certificate on voice mail playback JAR file

I had been using my home computer to check my voice messages but it seems that the certificate on the Verizon java plug in has expired and, since I have the most recent version of java on my machine, it won't let me play my messages any more.

Does anyone know if Verizon has a fix for this?

6 Replies

Same thing happened to me and I've been unable to playback voicemail on my Mac for about 4 months or more. I couldn't get any response from Verizon other than the rep saying "it's not on our end." I've just updated Java SE 6 and everything else I've accessed with Java with no problem.  


Verizon clearly does not test voice mail playback.   I've issued many tickets on this and when you do it online, they always blame java on the customer end.   Well, I don't have a MAC like you do, but that's beside the point.   On the same machine, I can get playback to work with IE but not chrome.   Chrome says "plugin not supported".  Verizon claims that's my java problem.   I told them, how can it be a java problem...it either is going to work on the machine or not if it's a java problem--not work with just some things.   They clearly do not understand have chrome registers plugins or how chrome works in general.   And when I opened the original ticket, it didn't work on IE either.  So they clearly fixed something (then closed the ticket) but not everything.  Told them to reopen it because it still doesn't work with chrome which is what I use unless I really have to use something else.

Yesterday some other tech left a voicemail when I wasn't around that was basically "I hear your having problem with your voice mail but I don't have any details..."   How can they not have details????    I've told them the problem and they can't even look it up????

I also tried to update the ticket--can't seem to do that either.  Only can change reschedule time and even that failed "gave an error, sorry the error is on our side".   At least they take credit for that.


Today I was in chat with a support person because my ticket was again closed without them fixing it and the rep told me "if it works in IE and Firefox" then you need to contact google."

If someone from verizon wants to comment, the chat session was {edited for privacy}

Yes, I got snotty in the chat because twice they've closed my ticket without fixing it.  But for a verizon rep to basically tell me "that's not our problem" clearly doesn't understand what it takes to make software work with various browsers.  The attitude seems to be "it's someone else's problem".

Moderator Emeritus

Sorry but saying chrome doesn't support java isn't a solution.  There's lots of plugins for chrome that work.

Basically if it's in the chrome store (even if free), it will work.  Many AV vendors have had to go that approach for their chrome browser plugins.

And saying it's google's problem is REALLY saying that verizon does not want to support chrome.

The articles sited indicate API's to use to support chrome that don't involve java.  And your support people should be updated to not keep telling people to update java to get it to work.  I knew better but it's going to drive a lot of people nuts as already indicated by their posts.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Verizon is still denying any problem on their end.  On my iMac, I get a security exception when trying to play a voicemail message: clearly, the certificate is still not correct.  I have filed two items with tech support, the first of which was summarily closed (without any notification to me as they had promised).  Last night, the tech I spoke to either didn't understand the problem or was just parroting the company line (that it's not their problem).  So much for Verizon tech support.  For the price I pay for this service, I'm seriously considering going back to my previous ISP, for two-thirds the price (no contract, and three-year price guarantee).  
