phonelines within mobile home park

Hi community, I need help to find out how to get our phoneline upgrade from old copper which only have dsl

to fiber/fios service. Many of us who lives within the mobile home park wants to get fios but was told it's not

available unless the phoneline gets upgrade. I have asked the park owner and he told me it's Verizon's

responsiblity to upgrade the lines. Which I was told by the Verizon vice-versa.

Now, I just want to find out who actually should do the upgrade.

2 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

Well it is Verizons choice if they will upgrade or not. But it is not a simple choice for Verizon to make. A lot of money has to be spent to bring fios to an area. Do you have neighborhoods nearby that have Fios? If you do then your chances are alot higher of being upgraded to fios. Otherwise it may not be profitible to Verizon to spend the money to install Fios there. Also to do things more effeciently Verizon will install fios in sweeping patterns, so you wont get fios until all your neighbors start getting it and then you are likely to get it. I am not a verizon rep, but I just thought I would let you know from my experience that there is really not a lot you can do to move the process along. 


Thank you for your quick reply. I have friends lives couple blocks from the mobile home park and they do have fios.

Actually to my understanding, the majority of the neighborhood have fios available to them. Just not the people whose

living within the mobil home park. Heck, we don't even have cable service here due to the same proplem between park

owner and cable compay regarding the lines. Guess we are just out of luck on getting fios within the park.
