Verizon feedback

Enthusiast - Level 1

How do you reply to the comment thats left on your post? Does Verizon close the post when they reply so it cannot be edited nor replied.

Issue - Didn't get my Amazon gift card from Verizon after signing up (told me to keep waiting)

Made a post here about the situation -> Verizon sent me a PM and closed my post so I cant edit nor reply to their comment

The solution Verizon offered in the PM -> Contact Amazon for my gift card

I never received the gift card and there is no reason for me to contact Amazon. What am I going to say to Amazon customer support? give them my Verizon Account ID and tell them I signed up for Verizon on x date and I was told I should be getting my gift card within 24-48 hours, then 3-5 days, then 7-14 days, now can I get my gift card?

Theres no link between my Verizon account and my Amazon account.

Don't close off my post without fixing the issue

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