3/768 plan drops to around 0.5/768 between 8 PM and 11:00PM EST
Enthusiast - Level 3

Hello all.  Figured I'd post this here in hopes that someone can help.  (Also posted on dslreports.com). 

I have been running a battery of tests on dslreports.com and as you can see, about the hours of 8:00-11:00 or so (prime streaming time?) the tests all drop to around 0.5 Mb.  I was on last night and just tested around midnight and zoom, perfectly normal speeds.  This morning, perfectly normal.  Possible overload of new customers coming online?  One last thing I am going to do prior to calling in again is the next time my D/L plummets (which I suspect will be tonight again) I am going to check my stats again. I have had pretty much zero issues since about 7 months ago when Verizon serviced the line to the house.

If this is an issue of an overloaded network, on average how long does Verizon tend to respond to issues like this so I can know what to roughly expect?  There may be no answer to this, but I figure I'd throw it out there.

We are quite moderate BW users in general, we do neither bitorrent/etc.  But do stream Netflix in the evening, which was really what clued me into the issue because the quality now drops so low I am concerned it's a matter of time before it becomes unusable if this trend continues.  This is assuming there is nothing else wrong, but given the circumstances I am strongly beginning to think the DSLAM is overloaded.

For the curious, here are my modem stats just after a hard reset and thanks for any help!

Transceiver Revision:

Vendor ID Code:        4

Line Mode:               T1.413 Mode

Data Path:               Fast

Transceiver Information

Down Stream Path

Up Stream Path

DSL Speed (Kbits/Sec)



Margin (dB)



Line Attenuation (dB)



Transmit Power (dBm)



3 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader
Here's a reply I wrote in your other thread

It really sounds like a case of congestion on Verizon's end considering it's from 8PM to 11PM, which are probably as close to peak as you can find. Visit DSLReports and post in their Verizon Direct forum. They should be able to sort the problem out for you.

Anyways despite the low margin on the upstream, it probably is correct considering it tends to happen at a daily basis within a time frame.
Enthusiast - Level 3

I have been running a line monitor this week, so when I get to the end of the week I'll be able to see if that picks up any issues.  I definitely see a spike from a stable ping (~60ms) during those hours (8-11 PM EST) but I am not sure what would be considered 'problematic'.  No signs of packet loss on the monitor.


to help diagnose your problem use this speed test along with Verizon's Speed Test Site 


It will be especially helpful with congestion and packet loss tests etc....

Post your results

This java applet was developed to test the reliablity and operational status of your desktop computer and network connection. It does this by sending data between your computer and this remote NDT server. These tests will determine:
  • The slowest link in the end-to-end path (Dial-up modem to 10 Gbps Ethernet/OC-192)
  • The Ethernet duplex setting (full or half);
  • If congestion is limiting end-to-end throughput.

It can also identify 2 serious error conditions:
  • Duplex Mismatch
  • Excessive packet loss due to faulty cables.