5GHz, no internet connection with G3100

Upgraded to gigabit with G3100 router 3 wks ago, and ever since a couple computers will not successfully connect to 5GHz band. They connect to the network, but immediately say "Secured, no internet." 

- router is in a crate (FiOS in a box) in the basement. Desktop is on the third floor
- SON turned OFF on the router (this is the second router we've tried) 
- 2.4 and 5GHz bands SSIDs separated and given different names
- Desktop running Windows 10 with a brand new Netgear wifi adapter supporting 802.11ac (same problem happened with old wifi adapter, also 802.11ac)
- phones and other computers can connect to the 5GHz band but not this computer
- when I look at the LAN DHCP log on the router, I can see the DHCPREQUEST and DHCPACK for this IP, but for some reason, after 30 seconds or less, it gives up and releases the connection without establishing a lease.
- After connecting to 5GHz, I checked the connection (ipconfig /all) and it seems to be getting an IP address on the private subnet (e.g., prefered), but I cannot ping the default gateway from the desktop (100% packet loss).
- when I look at the connection in the "Network Connections" window, it does not show the network's SSID, and instead reports "Unknown Network."
- When looking at the Windows Event log, I see warning level DNS Client event "Name resolution for the name <various> timed out after none of the DNS servers responded."
- I've tried dynamic and static IP addressing on this adapter both, no difference
- I've tried Compatability, Legacy and Wifi 5 Only mode for the 5 GHz network, no difference
- I changed the DNS servers to use Google's rather than Verizon's
- I disabled IPv6, RSS, Autotuning and Taskoffload on the computer - nothing has worked
- I tried adding a Wifi extender to the setup ( a whole different nightmare) and that made no difference
- I was able to connect my work laptop to the 5GHz network sitting roughly 6" from the wifi adapter and got about 240MHz down
- I WAS able to connect this desktop computer to a 5GHz network via a mobile hotspot, so the issue appears to be in the router/network from the FiOS, or at the very least the compatibility of the adapter and that specific network

- Netgear tech support (adapter vendor) says they think it is the router

- Verizon tech support (I've talked to about 4 different people) all SWEAR it is the adapter

If anyone has any thoughts or anything else to try, I'd sure be appreciative

9 Replies

Turn off SON (self organizing network) in the router settings. See if that cures the situation.

SON is useless. In verizon routers. In my opinion not necessary. 


Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, that is one of the first things we tried and it had no effect.


Another suggestion, hope I don’t repeat what you already tried again.

go into your wireless settings and change your SSID to a different name. Then save the settings and restart your router. Then go to the devices you mention and try and connect. I would also set new passwords for both bands.

hope it works


I do have separate SSIDs for the two bands but they have the same password. I'll try changing them and see if that makes a difference. 


I don’t use verizon crappy routers but Netgear. However I put a different name to each like jj5ghz and jj2ghz they each have separate passwords. (The SSID I am writing about are not the real names of course) this way I can choose.


Any update on this problem? I am also having the same issue. A lenovo laptop, a desktop PC, and a surface tablet all running Windows 10 can not connect to the 5ghz network. Iphones, fire sticks can connect effortlessly. Tried everything under the sun, including getting a new g3100 router from Verizon. same issue.


First thing comes to my mind is the devices you mentioned do not have the 5 Ghz protocol so it only connects at 2.4 Ghz.

if your Apple devices connect etc. it is because they have both radios in their respective devices. I have an old HP laptop that only connects to 2.4 Ghz. the only way to make it connect to the 5 Ghz is via plug in wifi adapter. I did this for my wife prior to this COVID crap but now I have run ethernet to her home office to avail of the fios gigabyte speed. She is quite content. But her laptop I put the adapter on works great in the living room at 5 Ghz again it’s always workable.

additionally if self organizing network (SON) is on, turn it off since you don’t really need the wifi steering. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have a lenovo laptop and I had the same problem. I am not sure if it is the wifi card that comes with the laptop. I have tried updating the driver but it failed.

However, I removed the SON (not sure if necessary) and on the advanced settings of wifi, I changed my 5Ghz 802.11 mode from Compatibility (a/n/ac/ax) to Legacy (a/n/ac) and voila 5Ghz was discoverable by the laptop. So basically my 5Ghz has wifi 6 turned off and it's not something that I care about right now because ~400 Mbps in wifi is good enough for my devices and I can have ethernet cable hooked to my laptop if I need full gigabit of internet while downloading something huge.

If you really want to get wifi 6 on your laptop or if you want wifi 6 on other devices while using 5Ghz on your laptop, maybe upgrading the wifi card to wifi 6 will help. Maybe a solution to this exists without upgrading the wifi card but I have been unable to find one. Upgrading is rather easy as most of the manufacturers make wifi card accessible and it isn't that expensive to upgrade -- I saw some of the listings for 20 dollars on amazon.

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"Unidentifiable Network" or "Unknown Network" signals the DHCP is at problem.

DHCP is a layer 7 protocol, it has nothing to do with 802.11 layer 2 protocols.

Can you disable and re-enable DHCP servers on G3100 and check the DHCP of your wireless adapters?