Alexa and Fios error 500

I’m getting bounced bewtween amazon and fios regarding an error message 500 I receive when trying to enable the fios skill in the Alexa app. The fios was linked and I couldn’t discover the set top box. After a call to fios, I lost the link and now I cannot delink my account. I keep getting an error message 500 that no one seems to be able to solve when I try to enable the skill. Fios wants to charge me to have a tech come check my equipment which I find ridiculous and amazon has escalated it and I’m waiting to get a call back. Fios reps were not at all helpful and again, caused me to even lose the link. Google doesn’t have any error 500 messages.... anyone experience this before?

1 Reply
Moderator Emeritus

Hi noscda,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please check your Private Message Inbox for a message from Verizon_Support. You can find your Inbox by clicking on your username at the top right corner of this page. Please direct all correspondence concerning your issue to the agents who will be assisting you privately.
