Amazon echoes and firestick lose internet connection
Enthusiast - Level 2

I've been using fios internet for at least 8 years. But for the past week I now lose connection to everything that uses wifi.

I have 2 firesticks, an echo spot, Echo plus, and echo dot. All of these were connecting fine till a week ago like I said. 

Basically everything will be online and then after about 2 hours all my stuff starts saying it can't connect to the internet or reach Amazon site. 

Factory resetting doesn't work. My router will say I'm connected but my devices can't find a connection. So I reboot. Then everything works. But after 2 hours everything disconnects again.

I've gotten a replacement router, same issue. I've even changed channels to recommended ones that Amazon says to use. Same issue. The only thing that works is rebooting my router every 2 hours or so which is very annoying.

I've had a technician here, he can't figure it out either. I'm at a loss what to do. I'm tired of factory resetting my Amazon things and the router. My ont box was even replaced. It's a newer smaller black one now. Used to be this huge white box one.

Nothing in my home has changed. Everything was fine for years. And now all of a sudden it isn't. I don't have cable or phone. Just internet. And my speed is 200/200.

8 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

Been looking at my fios modem/router settings. I found a section about broadband connection. I noticed my dns was in both fields. So I changed it to and and so far my echo and firestick devices have stayed connected to the internet.

I also noticed the ip address distribution is disabled but can't figure out how to enable that. I'll report back if the adding a dns somehow fixed everything or if it'll disconnect after 2 hours again. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm still having the same problems. Changing the dns when there wasn't one helped with connections. But I'm still losing connection to my Amazon echoes after a couple hours. 

Community Leader
Community Leader

While we get you have FIOS Internet, do you also have FIOS TV?

Enthusiast - Level 2

No. I wrote in the first post that I have internet only.

I just don't get how my internet will work for years and now I lose connections every couple hours when nothing has changed .

Enthusiast - Level 2

Well. I'm pretty sure I figured out the problem. It's been hot here and my ac has basically been on almost 24/7. I decided to give it a break and noticed my internet wasn't messing up like it had been the last 2 weeks. It never crossed my mind that it could be the air conditioner since I've had it on before and never had issues.

But apparently it was causing interference somehow. I only realized it could be the issue because my sister has issues with her internet when she uses her microwave and said maybe mine was messing it up too. And I was like, I rarely use mine though. Then realized my ac has been on a long time.

So yea. Pretty sure the air conditioner was the culprit this whole time. So if any one else can't figure out why their internet isn't working after having techs come, replacing routers, etc. Check if it's when your microwave or ac is on a lot.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Well. Thought it was the ac. Was a fluke that turning it off fixed it. It's the next day now and the ac is off but I'm still having the same problems. Back to square one. 

Community Leader
Community Leader

If using FiOS router, try a new one.

Buy one at a local computer or big box store.

If it helps, you know the issue.

If it doesn't you can return it.

I have several echo devices and FiOS router with no issues like you state.

Enthusiast - Level 2

The problem definitely isn't solved. Still trying to figure out why suddenly I can't stay connected to the internet. I'm in the process of getting a new router. Just waiting for it to get here. Hopefully something fixes the issue. If the new router works then it confirms its the Verizon router somehow.