CE1000A manual configuration
Enthusiast - Level 1

I use a G1100 router that connects to a pair of Actiontec WCB6200Q extenders via MOCA cable. The Actiontecs are nearing EOL so I would like to replace them. I purchased a CE1000A in the hopes that I could disable SON and manually configure it to use the same SSID/passphrase to match the WiFi credentials in my G1100 router (i. e., as I did with the Actiontecs). Once I attach the CE1000A to my network as just another host (i.e., no MOCA cable; port 1 ethernet to a G1100 LAN port and port 2 ethernet to my laptop from which I can attach via  I can log in to the CE1000A administrative portal using the device's network credentials. However, once I open the interface, all the buttons (and especially SON) are fixed in their "ON" positions and are "light green" (sort of grayed out) in color.  And, there is no editing box to modify the SSID that comes with the CE1000A.  So, is there any way to configure the CE1000A manually to give it my G1100's WiFi network's SSID and passphrase? Or did Verizon simply neglect to provide an upgrade path from the Actiontec solution since the G1100 is not apparently EOL. Any tricks or work-arounds so I can manually set up my CE1000A to work in my oldish network?

As a secondary issue, if the CE1000A must be used with a CR1000A/B router or some other new MOCA version router, this requirement should be clearly displayed.

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