Can't make outgoing calls on VoIP but can receive incoming calls just fine - help!


I work from home and must rely on my Linksys IP Phone.  However, I get drop after 10 seconds when I make outgoing calls nor I can access my voicemail on it.  I can get incoming calls no problem.  I already contacted Linksys and we tried several things with even trying the VoIP at another location and it works fine. So it is not the Linksys IP Phone that is having a problem.  I'm currently High Speed DSL with a Actiontec Rev. B modem to connect my VoIP.  How can I resolve this problem, I'm losing money!

26 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

I can't find SIP ALG setting in the router, or the manual

I can't swtich the phone over to TCP because our Sonus will only accept UDP. 


Parallaxview, were you able to get your VOIP calls working?  If so, please let me know how.  I'm having the same issue with the same router and it has been very frustrating.


Enthusiast - Level 2

I did not have any luck.  I tried following these instructions provided by Actiontec



Try forwarding your ports 5060-5061 over both TCP and UDP following these instructions.

 Open a web page and in the address bar type in and hit enter.

Log into your router interface. Your default username\\password should be admin\\password or


Once logged in, click the Security icon on the top of the page.

Next, click on the Applications link.

On the Applications page, from the PC Name box select the name of the computer you wish to open the ECHOLINK Ports too.

Under Category, select User. Select New. For Rule Name type in the name of the program you are opening ports for.

Set the Protocol to TCP and set your port map as follows. Port start (first port) Port End (Last Port) Port Map (First Port)

Whenever you do a range, the port mapping will look like this. Port start is the first port, port End the last port, and port map ALWAYS the first port.

Click Apply.

Change the protocol to UDP and repeat the steps for a range of ports.

If you only need a single port open, you first set the protocol to TCP and the port mapping is the same port number for all three entry boxes. Start, End, and Map are all the same number. You click Apply, then change protocol to UDP and repeat.

Once your rules is created, you click the back button.

Select the PC Name where you wish the ports open too. Under Category select User. Select the Rule Name you created.

In the middle column, select Add. Your rule should now show under Applied Rules.

Click Apply and your rule is active.

Be aware, you cannot use DMZ Hosting with port forwarding in Applications enabled, they will cancel each other and CLOSE the ports.


But this is what happened when I tried to apply the rule to the phone:

Virtual Server Add Error

Add virtual server named Siemens failed. Status: 1.

 The rule I added was named Siemens for the Siemens phone.  We were talking about calling Verizon to see if there was some other router they could supply.  We're hoping to swap it out, but I did submit a second ticket to Actiontec to let them know their instructions did not work.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm getting really frustrated with Actiontec now.  I reported back to them their instructions didn't work (see my last post), and this was the reply I got back:



You can only forward ports to an IP Address, you cannot create a rule forwarded to a phone number.

You must have the IP Address of the Siemens device.


I replied back explaining I was following their instructions to forward traffic to a VOIP phone that has an IP address.  I was not trying to forward traffic to a phone number.  Actiontec's tech support does not appear to be of any use. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

I wanted to give an update on this.

This turned out not to be an issue with the ActionTech Modem at all.

I worked with Siemens, our internal phone support, and Verizon to do traces. Siemens, our internal phone support, and Verizon determined the traffic was being blocked through Verizon’s network and they could not let the traffic through.

A tech from Verizon came out to the house, released the MAC for the modem on Verizon's side, plugged Siemens phone in, and it could not register with our SIP server even with the modem completely bypassed.

Our employee wound up having to buy a second phone line through Verizon.

We have another employee who was able to get his SIP phone to work just fine, but he did not have home phone service through Verizon. He only had internet service.

I’ve worked with two different people now who have Verizon home phone service where the SIP traffic appears to be blocked.


I never did this before.  I am having the same problem with Verizon DSL.  I have a VOIP service, using a SNOM M9 and a Westell 7500 Model 327W.  I can receive calls.  Can you tell me how to stop my outgoing calls from dropping once they are connected or a few seconds in?  Even when I call the echo it answers but drops when she is 1/2 way through her speech.  I know it's not the phone or VOIP service because I can use it just fine on my neighbors Time Warner setup.  Please help ASAP!