Cancelling Service

Just had an outrageous situation happen. Early last year I had moved out of a location and cancelled service with Verizon. I didn't realise they didn't count my last month of service in my payment until they gave me a call saying I owe them $60.67. Okay fine, that's fair, my bad. So I called them, cleared that up, and asked confirmed that there was nothing else left to do and my account is now ok. I was given a yes and thought nothing of it. A YEAR AND A HALF LATER I get a call from a collection agency saying I owed Verizon $103.91!! I asked about what for and they said after making my last payment they reactivated my account to make the payment but never deactivated it despite the service already being cut and continued charging me WITHOUT CONTACTING ME until they sent it to a collection agency. And now I am being asked to pay up for Verizon's mistake (or sneaky business practice, I can't tell). Does anybody know who I can contact to bring this issue up?

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Moderator Emeritus

As this is a peer to peer support forum, you will need to contact Verizon directly for assistance. We have sent you a private message with contact information for a dedicated specialist who is able to help with a resolution of your issue.