Cannot connect to some chinese websites
Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm having problem connecting to  I can connect to it when I'm on my cellphone with AT&T.  My friend lives 10 minutes from me in the same Queens area has the same issue with fios, though he can connect it with T-mobile.  I contacted customer support more than once since a month ago and no one ever fixed it.  Now I can't connect to   I connected customer support again and they still can't fix it, told me they have to wait until tomorrow to try again.  Is there a way they can fix it without telling me "Verizon doesn't block any websites"?  I can access these websites with my cellphone on a different network.  

1 Reply
Enthusiast - Level 1

I had my friend living in Manhattan checking out the website for me, she uses Verizon for cellphone and Spectrum at home.  She couldn't open these sites when she's on her cellphone, but she can open them when she's on spectrum.  So far started working again last night, sina blog is still being blocked.