DSL Connectivity Issues

We have been on Verizon DSL for about six years now.  Early on, we often had a lot of connectivity issues, but someone from Verizon came and checked the outdoor wire box some time ago and things were better.  The only time we had problems was a day or two after heavy rains, and even that was less frequent.

Of late, though, we often lose DSL when we get a phone call on our landline.  Sometimes service comes back quickly, sometimes we need to reboot the modem.  There have even been a few times when service cuts out without a phone call, and we had a stretch last weekend when service was unreliable for over an hour.  I will add that weather has not been a factor, given the current dry spell in New York City.

Is there a way to address this issue? 

2 Replies
Moderator Emeritus

Just a friendly reminder, this is a forum where users help other users. It looks like your issue may require a Verizon representative to review your account details. Please contact our customer service team via live chat or email at: http://www22.verizon.com/content/contactus/

Community Leader
Community Leader
You may have a high resistance short on your line which is cleared or triggered when voltage flows through your line when the phone rings or is off the hook, or it is quite possible you also have a bad half ringer. You could also have a bad, missing or incorrectly installed filter somewhere as well. The last option is the one you can check yourself, as well as the first one to an extent. I would suggest calling Voice Repair and asking them to run an MLT test (call them from a mobile or another landline phone). If they ask for a reason, just let them know you are trying to resolve a possible line issue. If they spot anything, they will dispatch a tech who should repair the issue.