DSL slow download speeds every evening
Enthusiast - Level 2

I was wondering if anyone was experiencing consistent and significant drops in their DSL speeds in the evening, or if someone at Verizon may have suggestions.   I've tried phoning customer service of this issue, and the best solution that had for me was replacing my Westell 7500 modem.

Here's the history.  I've been a DSL subscriber at my current location for nearly 2 years.  I signed up for the 1.5-3Mbps plan.  Up until January or so  of this year, Verizon consistently delivered speeds in that range, averaging downloads in the 2.8Mbps range.  I was extremely happy.

Then, around January of 2011, I noticed a considerable drop in my download speeds, only between 7:00 PM and say 11:00 PM.  And I mean the drop is like clockwork, almost scheduled.  I can run a speed test at 6:45 and get 2.8 Mbps download, and after 7:00, the best I can get is around .85Mbps download, a good third of what I get before 7:00PM and well under what I'm paying for.

I've been on the phone with customer service, rebooted the router, disconnected everything, ran speed tests, tried 3 different PCs that I have, and even hooked the modem directly to the oustide box, eliminating any internal wiring issues, and nothing has been proven to be an issue on my end.

I personally believe, based upon numerous other topics here, and on other boards, that Verizon has implemented some type of Internet bandwidth limiting on DSL subscribers, without a know change in terms of service.

I'm just looking for other troubleshooting options to eliminate any possibility that something on my end or something in my service area is causing this problem.   I'm not getting the service for which I am contracted for and paying for, and before I escalate the issue further or switch ISPs, I'd like to rule out all technical possibilities..

8 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

To your first question, yes, I do have night-time slowdowns.  If you read my "4 - 7 mbps" thread, you'll see that I'm paying for a higher download plan, but I am also seeing big decreases in my download speeds, even after my router reconfiguration (which made major changes, by the way).  But in the 7:00-to-11:00 time period, I go from 6.5mbps to 1mbps download speeds, if that fast.  And at 11:00, I'm back up to normal.

I don't think there's any problem with any of my equipment (or your equipment, for that matter).  I have a TV, blu-ray, Wii, and XBox that all directly connected to my router, and if Verizon says that my PC runs too slow (which it doesn't), or has malware or viruses (which it doesn't), then I can point to my non-Windows devices that are still having connection problems.  Interesting side note, by the way, that all of these devices are different manufacturers, different uses, and different operating systems.  My router and modem certainly don't change anything at 7:00 that would modify their performance.  The wiring in my house doesn't change at 7:00, either.  However, Verizon's equipment doesn't change at 7:00, either.

I think the only thing that really changes is that everyone comes home and gets on the 'net.  They start XBox Live, or Netflix, or just surf the net.  Everyone got new internet toys for Christmas, and they want to use them, so they're sucking up all of our bandwidth, and that's why everyone saw a change in January.  Verizon isn't ready for the onslaught of all of this internet activity (neither is Comcast, AT&T, MediaCom, etc, if you look at any of the alternatives), and alll of the ISPs are having to punt because of the new way people are using the internet for their entertainment.

I think that my only short-term option is to call Verizon and ask to be put on a new edge router, and hope that the bandwidth is not being sucked up as much as on my current edge router.  I also think that it's going to have to be something I demand, not just ask about.  You're probably in the same boat, unfortunately.  I will let you know how I fare with my "request".



I am in Northeast PA and I have the exact same problem. The speed during the day is great but from 4-9pm it is slower than dial up.

Tech was out and said everything is great. Sure it is great during the day. Getting out of verizon soon since they say its all good

Enthusiast - Level 3

Verizon has installed a "optimizer software tool" which detects if all your noise and signal numbers are good If not then the "Optimizer" kicks in and knocks your speed down so that your running optimized for those numbers. This thing kicks in automatically, so even if the tech requests the "Optimizer" to be taken off, theres no guarantee you'll stay at your max speed. Now it seems to me everyones noise and signal numbers are bad because what I see is thousands having the optimizer kick them down during the same time period. So, do we pay less when the software kicks in. My speed was steady but now a software says it isn't.  Go to this site to read about this optimizer software: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r25369845-Drop-in-speed I have been looking for a reason this is going on every night. I believe I found it go to the site and read it.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I have been on the phone every night with the same issue I live in York,PA and between 7 and 11:00pm I get 1Mbps and I have the 10-15Mbps plan. I am always told it is at my end that it might be my computer but I have 5 computers. One desktop has Windows 7,one laptop has Windows 7, One desktop has Windows Vista Home Premium,One desktop has WindowsXP home edition and the other laptop has WindowsXP home edition but they are not on all at once. Usually one at a time. They stayed on the phone while I tested all 3 desktops and still got 1Mbps. I shut down the others as I started another to run the test. Soon I can set my watch to this speed going to 1Mbps. They are sending a tech out this time but I had all new phone wire installed and a new Verizon box hung outside and my DSL line is separate from the phones so I am not sure why this is going on. I only live 5 blocks from the hub and it is still doing it on time every night. If anyone finds a cure let me know. I was told it might be my modem but I have the router with the modem built in and I have 2 different brands, one Verizon and the other Netgear and they both give the same slow speed. Good luck everyone, I hope this slow speed is worked out of Verizons system.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I finally got an honest tech who told me that verizon is aware of the problem and are working on it and he was not sure of the time frame in which it will be fixed I am hoping soon.


I've had the same problem in Thurmont, MD. Annoying. I'm trying to get it worked out now.

Master - Level 2

If you can, you may want to run a tracert. Once when everything is OK and another when the speeds drop.

***open a cmd window and type  tracert www.google.com  (any website is ok, google is an example)***

I'll bet you'll find that you switch either hop 2 or 3 for a different Verizon router.

In the evenings, Verizon moves a lot of traffic off the main routers to secondary routers. Your area may be one that is routed to a misconfigured router or one that needs attention.

With some tracerts, then when you contact tech support, they can take that info and forward it up to their network techs. With enough information, they may eventually take notice and do something about it. Had an issue like that last summer here in S. CA. Took several calls and lots of persistence, but it was eventually fixed.


I have a same problem now. I check internet speed with the 'verizon internet speed test,' My internet speed comes ten times slow in evening.