Digital Direct Marketing Program
Enthusiast - Level 3

I just got an email that says VZ is going to start sending me ads while I am on line and there is NOTHING I can do to opt out.  i can only opy out of being targeted with ads based on my demographics.  **bleep** is up with this?  I do not pay vZ to spam me with ads.  VZ cleverly tried to pass it off as an added service to customers but the bottom line is VZ is selling space to advertiser that can spam us with their ads.  I do NOT want any ads fed to me by VZ.  If VZ is going to do this and not allow me to opt out of their ads, I want to termintae my services and NOT pay any early term fees since VZ is the one who is making  major change to the agreement of services.  Please advise what is up with this and how I can either block these ads 100% or have a tech come get all of the VZ equipment out of my house.

13 Replies


Thank you for your message letting me know that Verizon has decided to become a SPAM lord.  It kind of makes your spam support and spam blocking irrelevant since the service I PAY for is now going to SPAM me whether I want it or NOT.  THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!  And be assured, the next time I have a choice, I will be sure to choose anyone but Verizon.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Install Adblock Plus and get it over with. They'll be setting up equipment and getting no return out of it from that point.

Also, the e-mail you received contains a link to opt-out. You might need to visit MyVerizon and log in first before clicking that link.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I just got the message in the e-mail,too. Yes, you can click on the word "here" to opt out; get to the VZ page first and you have to sign in   AGAIN (?)  and then there is no OPT-OUT field/link etc!!  First I thought, OK wait another day, Verizon may not have the link set up yet, but a day later nothing new.

I had to call VZ. The third person I got forwarded to finally was able to get me to the page where you actually can opt out.

HOWEVER: Verizon should not have the customer to jump through hoops to find the buried page! 

----- Instead: Verizon should ask the customer if they want to OPT IN  to such programs  not to OPT OUT.---

Enthusiast - Level 3

You can opt out of the TARGETD ads, BUT you cannot opt out of getting spammed.  Re-read the email

Enthusiast - Level 2

How did you get to the opt-out page?

Enthusiast - Level 3

I am not going to installyet anotehr piece of software to keep VZ from spamming me.

Community Leader
Community Leader

@ImNotDave wrote:

I am not going to installyet anotehr piece of software to keep VZ from spamming me.

The only software needed is your already functioning web browser.

Enthusiast - Level 1

That link to opt out of digital direct marketing on the Welcom to Fios email goes nowhere, and a search on the site comes up with NO results. This is outrageous.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Here are the exact Steps you need to Opt-out of The Digital Direct Marketing Program

1. Go to

2. Login in with your Used ID and Password.

3. Click accounts & Service in the Upper Left hand Corner.

4. Click "My Services" in the column on the left. (Just above "Bill & Payment")

5. Once "My Services" expands you click on "Internet" on the left Column

6. Click "Manage" to the right of "My Internet"

7 Click on "Manage Online Advertising Preferences" link

8. Under "Advertising by Geography" check "Do Not Participate" and then the red save Button.

You are now opted out of the Digital Direct Marketing.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thanks so much. Your directions are perfect and I am showing several neighbors who also got the email.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Great directions. No one would be able to navigate the deletion of this Digital Direct Program without them. Thanks. I've deleted it.


Thanks so much for explaining so well the exact problems I also had with Verizon's recent email to me about sending Digital Marketing ads. In short - they wanted to SPAM me with ads and their 'opt-out' option (CLICK HERE) in the email they sent just forwards you to their idiot website without any sane or rational way to 'opt-out' of this so-called 'service'.  There is no 'opt-out' option. It's fantasy. 

Possible solution:  I brought in my latest phone/internet bill (paper) and had all my acct #s, secret-code-ring Verizon codes etc. so I might get somewhere with them. Anger was also a fiery/fun fuel to keep me going in this 45-minute long endeavor in phone-tree hell and their 'Sharing' software. Anyway: Armed with my last bill and their 1-800-837-4966 'Customer Service' number I called.

1. Phone tree -hell. Of course you will get Phone-Tree-Hell.  After going thru 10 minutes of phone-tree-hell I hung up in frustration, had a smoke outside, came back and tried again.  They want you to give up. Don't.

2. The 2nd time I hit the phone tree hell button for 'Email Services' (since I got this thru email) went thru some more hell and hit the button for 'other' . I listened to some muzak for about 5 minutes and then I got a HUMAN.

3. Of course, the human was from Hyderabad, India (Verizon's subcontractor for 'services') and he turned out to be very helpful and his English was OK - so not too much was 'lost-in-translation.'

4. I explained the problem and at first it was not clear to either of us.  I did  not realize that I have a 'separate Verizon email account on Verizon's Home Page' because I never go there. There were 4 years of old emails (junk/spam from Verizon) that I've never seen before because I never go there - why would I or anyone?.

5. I clarified with the man from Hyderabad that this latest email from Verizon was on my regular email account, not my Verizon email account.

6. I had to give him my phone number and work number (from where I was calling) and my non-Verizon email address.

7. We went onto (via FireFox) something called - We waited 5 more minutes and it wouldn't come up.  He finally asked what service I was on and I told him FireFox.  He made me go on Internut Explorer. It worked on that.

8. The 'sharing' program allowed him to access my computer and my email directly from India. He left a little box that I could X-out (in the lower-right hand corner of my desktop) in case I felt uncomfortable at any time or if I felt e-violated at all. That would stop all access by him to my email and computer immediately if I hit the X.  Of course, it would have ended any help as well.  At this point I was so frustrated I decided to 'trust' him and go with it. 

9. He went into my 'Account Settings' and did something (not sure what). That didn't seem to accomplish much so he went into 'Task Manager' and did something else. 

10. We went back to Verizon's website - went to some email settings tab and he told it to not send me any ad/Spam/Verizon stuff to my non-Verizon email. 

11. I did ask him why this was so hard/insane when other websites give you a simple process for 'unsubscribing' or 'opting--out'. He laughed. I laughed/ I cried. We both agreed it was insane. I thanked him for his help.

12. As you can prolly tell by now, I am not a 'techie'. I had to 'trust' that he was not an 'e-pirate' or super-spy and that my head won't explode or that I won't spontaneously combust later today.  And that's all he wrote. Hope this was somewhat helpful and will shorten (somewhat) you're encounter with Verizon's infamous Customer Service. Great to be a monopoly, eh?     Omit Livonia... 


Me too.   Technicly, it may not be "spam" (spam = unwanted emails), but "ads while browsing the internet" hardly seems better.

Love how the "click here" link took me on a 35 minute waste of time.  Stupid me, it took me that long to realize that there is no place to decline to participate.