Ethernet connectivity problems after upgrade, most sites work
Enthusiast - Level 1


I’m baffled. Everything worked *perfectly* before my upgrade.  My desktop pc was connected directly by ethernet to my router.  No problems. With new upgrade, my desktop pc is connected to an extender. Router is in the basement. Wifi works on all devices.

I can surf and interact with most sites (via ethernet connection). AOL webmail/ is proving to be unmanageable. Site hangs or doesn’t function properly. Have tried multiple troubleshooting calls with Verizon. A few times, switching the ethernet from LAN1 to LAN2 and rebooting solved the problem…. But only temporarily.  I also took my desktop system down to the basement and plugged directly into the router, just to rule out extender and cable to it from outside. Tried different browsers also.

Gmail seems to work fine. On a few other sites, I’ve had long response times.

At the suggestion of a friend/tech, I tried changing DNS settings from automatic to manual, using on both lines. (Greek to me.) It didn’t change anything.

I’ve tried everything I can think of. I don’t know if I can handle another one hour session with a Verizon tech only to continue to have problems. Any explanations? How does this go from working to not working, just because of a speed increase? Oh, and I tried different ethernet cables, too.

Hope there’s an easy solution!!

Thanks. (Windows 10)

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