FIOS upgrade, was suppose to lower cost, increased by 15.00 instead
Enthusiast - Level 1
I did the online upgrade yesterday fro 15/5 to 75/75, Verizon website claimed it would lower my cost from 89.99 to 79.99 Speed increase went through in 5 minute, but today my Verizon showes the costs went UP 15.00, not down 10.00 I have screen captures of the prices, so whats the deal??


8 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

Same expeirence for me on my upgrade as well.

Upgrading to 75/75 keeping prime HD TV.

I was quoted $74.99 for first month then $84.99 for months 2-15 and $89.99 for months 16-24..

My account now shows $ 109.99

Champion - Level 3

It's noted on your screenshot there that your current bundle also includes HBO. That's $20 all by itself. There are also most likely rental fees for the STBs tacked on.

Master - Level 3

I'm seeing on DSL Reports that Verizon has a billing system issue that's causing incorrect pricing.  The report is that they're working to fix it.

Community Leader
Community Leader

I think the upgrade you got should have increased the price.

Hopefully if you contact them, not us peers here, they will either accept their mistake or at least allow you to revert to your previous package at the old price.

Best of luck.

Enthusiast - Level 1

HenryC, you're not the only one this is happening to. I saw a similar offer last night that would give me an upgrade and lower cost. Now my billing shows that I'm paying more than I had been offered, and more than I had been paying previously! I would never have done it if it would have increased my bill.

This is not the first time Verizon has mucked up my bill. I simply cannot believe a company this large is unable to get something as crucial as billing sorted out. I may will switch to Comcast once my contract runs out. 

Enthusiast - Level 2
im in the same boat as you as well, pretty much had the same billing structure when i placed my order but checking back today its 30 bucks more than what i was quoted. I hope they do fix this mistake, at this point id take my old plan back but 15/5 doesnt seem to even exist anymore
Enthusiast - Level 2

I feel lot better that I'm not the only one where the price went up by aprrox. $30 than what was quoted.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Just a follow up.

Finally had escallation team call me, get this, they would honor the pricing only if I Added an STB or DVR to the account, to me thats extortion

CSR would not budge, I declined to accept there "help" in the matter

I just went to changed back to my old plan which is now 25/25.

This company has one goal, up sell, more money and to not charge what is in the contract as they present it. 5 months there history as my contract will be done then