Fast upload speedtest, slow actual file upload

I have 1 gig FiOS at home, and get the advertised speeds (900 down, ~800 up) on However, when I do any actual file uploading and watch my ethernet bandwidth in task manager/performance, it hovers from 50Mbps to 100Mbps and continues to oscillate only around 10% of the speeds I see in speedtest. It is the same in YouTube, Google Drive, Dropbox. I have tried this via ethernet (800+ up speedtest) & wifi (400+ up speedtest) on my desktop computer, and wifi on my laptop (400+ up speedtest), and all of them rarely exceed 100Mbps upload. 

So I tried multiple devices and ethernet/wifi to no avail. In addition, I tried the same uploads at work, where I also a gig down/up connection, and I get 500+ up to YouTube, Google Drive, Dropbox, so my devices are capable of uploading faster (it is not a problem with Google or Dropbox's servers not being fast enough). 

I googled a bunch and saw suggestions to turn off IPv6 on the router, then anything with "offload" in my NIC settings (it is an intel NIC in both computers), and both of those didn't do anything. 

Any other suggestions? Thank you so much for your help. I have never posted in a message board, having googled my way through...pretty much all of life. 

EDIT: The ol' restart the ONT (not router) fixed it. No idea why that did anything. But I'm not asking questions on this positive development. Thank you anyway!

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