FiOS speeds have been very slow between 7-11 PM in Redlands, CA.
Enthusiast - Level 1

For the past 3 months my speeds have slowed down drastically between the hours of 7-11 PM. Usually my speeds are 84 MBPS down and 93 MBPS Upload on the 75/75 plan. However, when I need my internet the most (between 7-11 PM), my speeds go down to ~7 MBPS Down while upload stays about the same. This issue has been going on for quite some time and I would love to have it resolved. I've run trace routes and path pings showing packet loss that indicates issues with verizon's network and I have also forwarded this information over to their networking department. I have yet to see any resolutions and throughout the past 3 months, I've contacted Verizon Support every other day or so. If I can get an ETA or any sort of confirmation, which shows that this problem is being worked on then that would be greatly appreciated.

34 Replies

I am also in Redlands and have noticed significant problems lately as well (I'm on the 50/25 plan). Same download speeds as reported (sometimes as low as 5 MB/s). How can I justify paying for the 50/25 plan when I'm getting 10% of what I'm paying for?

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have called multiple times with no ETA on a fix. They have sent me a new router, promised to refund my bill (Which they have not), sent a tech which they told me they are aware of the issue. I live in Redlands CA. Verizon, why the heck are you overselling your bandwidth?! I would much rather pay for slower symetrical speeds and have it WORK as intended, than pay for more and have an inconsistant connection..

It sounds like many people are experencing this issue.. And there are probably many MORE customers that deal with it and don't call in.. I am not one of those customers, as I know that FiOS used to be great... Please upgrade your network.. ASAP. (In Redlands CA, and all over the US for that matter cause it's not just here...) That is all, thank you!

Enthusiast - Level 3

Wow.... this is why I have not even contacted support yet.  I know the issue is not my router or my house because I get 500/500 via sites but horrible speeds to AWS/Amazon/Dropbox/Others.

This is a great site for speed tests btw:

500/500??? I can hear it now - verizon salesman - well sir if you want 75/75 speeds you'll have to buy our $300 a month 500/500 plan. Since you only pay for our 75/75 plan all we can guarantee is 2/2; but pay $225 extra per month and we'll hook you up.
Enthusiast - Level 3

haha yeah I love it when Verizon has good connectivity to the sites i'm using.  The problem is they could offer 5000/5000 but the problem still lies in their network at peering points, far away from our homes/businesses/last mile infrastructure.

@thewrightclick wrote:
500/500??? I can hear it now - verizon salesman - well sir if you want 75/75 speeds you'll have to buy our $300 a month 500/500 plan. Since you only pay for our 75/75 plan all we can guarantee is 2/2; but pay $225 extra per month and we'll hook you up.

Add TAMPA, FL to the list of horrible speed problems.To add insult to injury, they mail me offers to up my speed to 75/75. If their 50/50 is only giving me 3/50 during peak times, what good does upgrading do? I'm starting to think it's time for a good Class Action Lawsuit against Verison FiOS. Over the last 2 weeks I can't even use my Netflix, as it just pixelates and freezes. Using it shows around 2-4MB d/l speed and using Verizons site it says 50MB. They are clearly masking the issue with their dedicated speed test.

The last time I tested on Sunday night around 9:00pm I was getting 3.07 down and 62 up on a 75/75 plan. Even Verizon's speed tests are showing 5 or 6 down in the same time frame. Anyone here an attorney and want to take on a class action as others are mentioning?
It be nice if Verizon monitored this forum and saw how **bleep** their own customers are getting and actually cared enough about our business to do something about it. I'm thinking of going back to Time Warner to get what I pay for.
Enthusiast - Level 3

Hmm I have the opposite problem.

I get those speeds all day long to Verizon's servers, but total crap to AWS (Amazon) and Dropbox etc...

I certainly wished I had part of your problem. When I first noticed my problem I was trying to download updates and couldn't believe how slow it was. My test then showed 2 down and 38 up.

I have had this issue since January and filed a half dozen tickets and spent hours on the phone. Made multiple posts here as well. The issue is still as bad as ever. Some helpful techs have told me it is a fiber issue at the local central office which makes more sense than peering issues (since peering issues would affect everyone and not just those of us in Redlands). They told me it would take "months" to fix but have no specific timetable. I have been hung up on by Verizon reps multiple times when I asked for credits. So far I have been successful in not paying a dime for my service since January but I am tired of calling and complaining at this point. My contract is up in a few months and I'm just gonna switch to TWC'a $35/month 50/5 plan. So sick of this.

I will never enter another contract with an ISP ever again.

Enthusiast - Level 2


That's exactly what they told me as well. I have called mutliple times with multiple tickets. I have had field techs call me that there is going to be some sort of "Upgrade" at their central office..  Not ETA of course.. I don't think it's a peering issue.. Wonder what's going to happen when frontier takes over soon...

Enthusiast - Level 2

Hey Guys,

It's now 9:59pm and the speeds have been awesome tonight. Can anyone else confirm the speed issue has been fixed?


The last two nights I have gotten perfect speed tests around 9pm and haven't noticed any issues.

Still gonna switch to TWC. At least now I could consider switching back if the price is right. Ridiculous it took four months to fix.