Final bill pro rated? Discrepancy in CSR and website


I canceled my account and at the time of canceling was told by a customer service rep that I will receive a refund in the mail for the pro rated amount. 

Surprise Surprise. I did not receive a refund. I called again and they say our policy is that we don't refund.

Oddly enough, the verizon website itself says that I will should receive a refund:

Anyone successfully receive a refund?


1 Solution

And as I explained to you at the other thread. No refunds prorated as you copied in your other so called answer. In our service agreement it states it and now you posted it.

my reply was correct in the other thread as it is here.

the website states prorata. Other customers have stated they received a prorated money back, many others said nothing was refunded. In article 10 it states service through the end date only.

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2 Replies

Spoke to a customer rep who said she doesn't know why that website is different (actually she says the website doesn't specify, but the pro-ration happens if you have something other than internet but for internet only, you do not get a refund) and why some CSR are saying differently, and can't promise anything will change but will try to get the word through.

She found the agreement (which is hidden) on the website:

10. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF SERVICE. 1. Subscribers with Month-to-Month Accounts. If you are a month-to-month Service customer, either you or Verizon may terminate this Agreement any time and for any reason by giving notice to the other as set forth in this Agreement. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, termination will be effective on the last day of that month’s billing cycle, and you are responsible for all charges incurred through that date. Activation or set-up fees paid at the initiation of your Service, if any, are not refundable, except during any applicable MBG period.


And as I explained to you at the other thread. No refunds prorated as you copied in your other so called answer. In our service agreement it states it and now you posted it.

my reply was correct in the other thread as it is here.

the website states prorata. Other customers have stated they received a prorated money back, many others said nothing was refunded. In article 10 it states service through the end date only.