Fios Speed - Old Customer vs New Customer

I am FIOS Customer in Tampa, Florida for almost 2 years. I went to try add/change services to renew.. and saw 100/100 speed is not offered.

Then I tried the same for new customer and my address.. and its offered to new.

I am offered 75/75 and then straight 300/300 or 500/500 ? Why not 100/100?

Isn't this some kind of discrimination?

Tried many chats with no luck.. with silly response "unfortunately its not avaialble for you?"

2 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

As this is mainly a peer to peer support fiorum, we are not privy to FiOS business decisions on service offerings.

You might want to try calling in to customer service to see what options you have.

Community Leader
Community Leader

This tends to happen if you're on a BPON ONT. Verizon will require people to upgrade to 300Mbps for a month to cover the cost of installing a new ONT, and for installing Ethernet cabling between the ONT and your router. You can downgrade after the 300Mbps installation occurs at that point.

SInce you're transitioning to Frontier, however, you may want to either order it now, or wait until after April 1st, when the Frontier migration completes.