Fios Stream TV: Signal not strong enough and Verizon Tech had no idea what to do
Enthusiast - Level 1

My brother just bought a new home that is completely free of coax connections

It seemed that Verizon Stream TV would be perfect.  An ONT box was installed in the basement along with a router and Verizon Media TV Box

Problem is, once the Tech got up to the second floor, the signal had dropped from 300Mbps to barely 10.  He couldn't get a strong enough signal to connect any televisions.

He told me increasing the bandwidth speed would do nothing.   

I asked about Verizon extenders around the house but he said they all needed coaxial connections.  That did not make sense to me as I have eero extenders in my own home and they don't need a coaxial input except the initial one that connects to the router.  

Does Verizon make extenders/repeaters that don't need coaxial input?  I would think all you need to do is plug one repeater into the router and any you add on, simply repeat the available WiFi signal, no?

Could I buy eero extenders with one plugged into the Verizon router and then have that repeated to other eeros on each floor?  They are kind of expensive so I am looking for a cheaper solution.


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Contributor - Level 1

I believe you could do just as you suggested and connect  your own router via Ethernet cable into the Verizon router and then set your own router to AP (access point mode). The Verizon router has to be the primary router. Then as just as you said you use the other nodes to connect wirelessly to your router that you plugged in as a secondary to your Verizon router.