G1100 Router

I upgraded to this router a few days ago and find that it does not seem to hHas anyone experienced the same problem?ave the signal strength of the previous router. It coonects to my Apple phones, iPad and computers, but will not connect to my HP LaserJet Pro color printer. I have talked to Verizon several times and they have not been able to find a solution.

Has anyone had a similar problem and been able to correct it it? I am thinking that I would like to back to my previous equipment. Thanks

4 Replies
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Community Leader

Did you try disabling the ac wireless?  I don't have a g1100 but assume that capability exists.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I currently have the G1000 router, and Actontec one for two years prior. Each time routers are changed, I have to do a little work to get them connected to printers.

First, I assigned static addresses to my printers, and it's doubtful the new router would assign it the same address. The simplist way I found to reconnect HP printers to the router is log on to the HP website, go to support and download the latest software for that printer, and do a complete reinstall, which would also give you the latest software and drivers. Then in the installation process, there is a step where the HP printer is detected, then connected via WiFi.

I find that this is the least time consuming way (5 to 10 minutes) as compared to figuring out why its not connecting.

BTW, when I last switch routers, I simply add the printer via windows. It works for a day or two then stops working, offline even though the printer is on. I reinstalled it via the HP software, let it detect the printer, connect, and its been trouble free since. Should've done that first when I swtched routers.

I also found that I might not have to assign static addresses anymore as HP printers have features that locates routers and access points. It's called WSD ports for plug and play printers.

Also, my daugher just got herself an HP Envy printer. She connected it via usb at college. When she came home, I activated the wireless on her printer, and installed the software which she didn't. During installation, HP described they have a software called "Bonjour", when downloaded would allow the printer to detect all local connections. I haven't install it yet, and I'll check out how it works. Also there is a feature in HP-Envy called print-direct where the print job is not routed via routers, but directly form laptop to the printer.

I also use the HP eprint feature in the event my networks gets screwed up and I could still print emailing documents to the printer. You can see that getting their latest software is important to getting the latest features.

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Community Leader

From my experience, Bonjour can be hit or miss. Same with WSD. It works most of the time, but the printers, depending on your router like to no longer communicate until rebooted. This could be a firmware problem on the printer or an issue with how the router is handling the Bonjour / WSD discovery, but it's not something I have investigated beyond just giving the printer a reboot. I've seen the problem happen 20 minutes after installing a printer, and days after installation.

With HP printers, that is correct. Besides using WSD. the driver package also contains a discovery component, which allows non-WSD capable printers to be re-detected in Windows with a new IP as the printer's IP changes. The port in Windows is set to the discovery package versus an IP Address.

I find the way to make these printers the most stable on any network, is to leave them set to DHCP, but reserve an IP Address for them from the DHCP pool by MAC Address. This way, there's no need to use Bonjour or WSD, and you can map to the printer using the basic drivers or a UNC.

For the sake of the OP, if the router was changed and the printer has a new IP address, the printer may need to be re-installed on each computer. Before re-installing, reserve the printer it's own IP Address so that it doesn't change. Or, if you remember what the IP address was that the printer held before, turn off the printer, log into the router and give the printer that IP address as a reserved address, then turn it back on. Hope that makes sense.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Thanks for the helpful comments.

When swtching routers now, I find the most efficiient way to hook up printers is to let the new router assign the printer IP address via DHCP first, then change this assigned address to "Static" from "Dynamic" in the router, reserving that address.

I'm also not sure how good WSD is, but apparently in reviewing printer properties, all printers with recently installed HP printer software has WSD as the printer port. So I got static addresses as well as an WSD port after the insallation. This way, I'm doubly sure the printer would find the router.

Nowadays, when I reboot the printer, I no longer get complaints from family members that their printer is not connecting anymore, as well as less need for rebooting of the printer. I aslo make sure each laptop and PC has the latest HP printer software.

Given this, I'm in no rush to install Bonjour.