G3100 Router Random Slow Download Speeds
Enthusiast - Level 2

Well I've been digging around in this forum looking for some answers.. here's my situation

it seems at random intervals my router seems to go into a slow mode.

when this happens I look at it and the front light seems a little dim and the LED lights on the back for the connections are out.  all wired devices without lights appear to be operating. if you touch the lighted button on the front, everything lights up again..

now I've seen a message on here that says its just a sleep mode.. okay I can believe that and that would be no big deal.

but what SEEMS to be happening with me... is every once in a while.. my download speed just plummets... I mean I normally get 90MBps plus.... when this happens, I get like 8

just on the download.. the upload side seems normal

if I touch that button on the router to "wake it up" all of a sudden my download speed is back up to 90.

nothing got knocked off or anything bad appeared to happen except now my download speed is back where it should be.

any clues?

4 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

I have similar speed loss, Verizon wants to send tech to my home. Feel like Verizon has more control over the G3100, feel they throttling my Gigabyte service. I was doing reboots and restores to bring back speed successfully. Not sure what area you live in, but I haven’t had the issue after changing my DNS server. NY to NJ, as these to are fasted for me with DNS Benchmark. Cloudflare is a close second. Also turn IPv6 firewall to low, as Verizon don’t support. That seems to help me with the page lag loads. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

the problem now seems to have changed. the effect is the same. almost a complete loss of download speed. I'm testing right now at 6.05 Mbps download and 89.97 upload. I've had verizon techs supposedly "fix" it for me once before. after I talked to them it came back for a while. then it went down again. pressing the button on the router doesn't do anything except wake it up.  going through the tool on the verizon website worked for me once. now it won't.  I'm getting super frustrated. I know I never had this problem with my old router.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I just thought I would provide some details. on my network there is one wired computer. mine. There are a few wireless devices on the network.. printer.. a laptop...another computer.  While the others are connected there are idle. the only computer on the network that is active is my wired connection.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I just unplugged the router. let it sit for better then 10 seconds and plugged it back in. same thing. 5~6 Mbps download. I'm about to throw this thing in the trash.