Holes in both WPA2 and WPA3 Wi-Fi security - what will Vz do?
Contributor - Level 3

For all of our Wi-Fi connections at home (connected by Wi-Fi to your Verizon router), there are security holes in both the current WPA2 and future WPA3 standards that require patching to fix.

See the new article at https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/04/serious-flaws-leave-wpa3-vulnerable-to-hacks-...

What is Verizon doing about this?

6 Replies
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Community Leader

#1 ISP Including Verzion = patch/fix the flaws.

#2 End users = Not use Wireless, expect where & when they have to.

Contributor - Level 3

I'm the OP of this thread.

This forum's robots send me emails asking me to acknowledge any "solution" to the problem.

Hey, Verizon, what is your response to my question?

Where's the security in our Wi-Fi?

What are you doing about the security holes described in the ars technica article?



Itโ€™s doubtful verizon is going to do anything right now except send out patches.

most ISPโ€™s simple send patches when they are good and ready.

shameful but true. Google what other makers have done to patch their devices.

Contributor - Level 3

jonjones - What other makers might or might not do is irrelevant.

Verizon has a moral and legal responsibility to protect its consumer customers from a defective product.

If there are defects in the essential WiFi security in our routers, Verizon will have legal liability if it fails to take prompt action to correct those defects.

I ask Nilsa or another Verizon spokesman on this forum to answer my questions.


I noticed you asked this question at DSL reports and received a similar reply.

I gave you an honest answer. You can ask Nilsa and anyone else you like. The best answer is going to be โ€œwe are aware of the issue and we are working on it or looking into itโ€ the routers are made by greenwave. For verizon.

i have noted here and at DSLREPORTS that patches and firmware updates have been done. Not much more in my opinion can be done. Your reference to what โ€œlegal libilityโ€ is not actually accurate. 

Again google the issue not only with the quantum routers but other manufacturers as well. 
