I don't want to, but you're making me call Comcast


I have been a wireless customer for over a decade, and a Fios customer for 2 years. I am moving to a new apartment, and when I called to transfer my service, the agent quoted me a $100 activation fee. I am moving to one of those apartment buildings that has actual competition, so I checked with Comcast, and they're offering a faster speed for a cheaper price, with no activation fee.

I don't want to do it, but next week I am going to call and schedule an installation appointment. I'll have to buy a new cable modem, but it'll still be cheaper than $100. If you want me to stay with Fios, email me within 7 days informing me you are going to waive the activation fee. Otherwise, it's been fun.


2 Replies

Verizon will not be emailing you from a customer helping customer forum.

however you donโ€™t need to buy a modem with cable unless you want the joy of ownership๐Ÿ˜€ when I was with Time Warner now Charter they had them for rent like Fios routers. Charter now doesnโ€™t charge for the modem itโ€™s in the cost of the service.

but I always bought my equipment it paid for itself eventually.

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It still cost money for someone to come out sn install the service. Its not verizonโ€™s fault you moved.