IPv6 Problems for the DC Area
Enthusiast - Level 1

I am in the DC-area and IPv6 was enabled last year for FiOS. Everything seems to be working fine with the exception of Google.  There are certain IPv6 addresses that are totally unreachable from my network. For example, I can reach this address without issue: 2607:f8b0:4002:c05::8a but when trying to reach google at address 2607:f8b0:4002:c05::8b it doesn't work. It's noticeable because there's a a browser standard which causes IPv6 to fail to IPv4 called Happy Eyeballs, and it takes a good while for that to happen.  I also have a test IPv6 Only network where Google just doesn't work until it cycles through DNS to find the IPv6 address that actually works.  It appears to be a pretty serious routing issue upstream specific to only the DC area because when visiting friends in the Virginia Beach area I don't see any of these problems.

Has anyone else in the DC area seen this?

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