IPv6 Routing with CR1000A
Enthusiast - Level 1

Verizon is assigning a /56 to me and  using the first /64 for the LAN.  I configured a second IPv6 segment out of that /56 behind another router.  I added a static route on the CR1000A for the second LAN segment.  I'm able to connect between the two segments, and even ping the CR1000A uplink address from the second segment.  I can't hit anything beyond that.  

2600:40**:****:**00::/56 Assigned Prefix
2600:40**:****:**ff::1 Broadband Uplink Address
2600:40**:****:**00::/64 First LAN
2600:40**:****:**01::/64 Second LAN

A packet capture between the CR1000A and my wired LAN shows traffic from the second segment is reaching the CR1000A.  A packet capture between the CR1000A and the wall only shows traffic from the first LAN.  None of the traffic from the second segment gets through the CR1000A.  I couldn't find anything in the CR1000A logs indicating the missing packets are being blocked, but it appears they are.  

How can I connect to the Internet from additional LAN segment?

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